Antonia Ciasca

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Antonia Ciasca (born May 21, 1930 in Melfi , † March 1, 2001 in Rome ) was an Italian archaeologist . Her focus was the cultures of the Phoenicians and the Punians , i.e. the Phoenicians of North Africa with their metropolis Carthage .


Antonia Ciasca was the daughter of the politician and historian Raffaele Ciasca and the writer Carolina Rispoli . During the Second World War , the family moved first to Genoa , then to Rome, where their father was called.

At the Roman University of La Sapienza , she obtained a laureate in Etruscology from Massimo Pallottino , with whom she had also worked during the excavations in Pyrgi near Rome. She became assistant for Semitic Philology at Sabatino Moscati and later received the first teaching position for Antichità Puniche of Italy at the same university. She wrote a number of articles in the Oriente Antico and became director of the Rivista di Studi Fenici , which has been published since 1973.

As an archaeologist, she dug in Israel in 1959 , then in Malta . In 1963 she initiated the excavations in Tas Silg there , in which she participated for six years. In 1998 she continued her work there. In 1964 she began the first excavation campaign on the Tofet on the island of Mozia on the western edge of Sicily, where, however, soon until 1992 she dealt with the city wall that surrounded an area of ​​45 hectares. In 1975 she took part in the work in Tharros .

Publications (selection)

  • with Yoḥanan Aharoni: Excavations at Ramat Raḥel: Seasons 1961 and 1962. Centro di studi semitici, Istituto di studi del Vicino Oriente, Rome 1964.
  • Mozia. Report preliminare della Missione congiunta con la Soprintendenza alle antichità della Sicilia occidentale. Missione archeologica della Soprintendenza alle antichità della Sicilia occidentale e dell'Università di Roma, 8 volumes, Rome 1964–1973.
  • Centri artigianali fenici in Italia. In: Rivista di Studi Fenici. Volume 1.1, 1973, pp. 37-52.
  • with Maria Pamela Toti: Scavi a Mozia. Le terrecotte figurate. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome 1994.


  1. ^ Tharros - I. Introduzione a Tharros. In: Rivista di Studi Fenici. Volume 3.1, 1975, pp. 89-99; Tharros - I. Lo scavo del 1974 , p. 101-110 there.