Antonio Francesco Peruzzini

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Landscape with figures

Antonio Francesco Peruzzini (* 1643 or 1646 in Ancona ; † August 20, 1724 in Milan ) was an Italian landscape painter, son of the painter and engraver Domenico Peruzzini (1601–1671), brother of the painters Giovanni and Paolo Peruzzini.

He created many pictures together with Alessandro Magnasco and Sebastiano Ricci .

The year Peruzzini was born was found in two sources: in the archbishopric archives in Milan and in the state archives in Milan. Young Peruzzini received his first family painting lessons. Then he went on a hike through Italy to perfect his painting skills.

In 1663 the artist was in Rome and there created some pictures for Prince Charles Emanuel II of Savoy in Turin. At that time, two stormy seascapes were created for the Roman musician Giulio Cavaletti, which have been in the Apostle Palace in Loreto since 1689 . From 1669 to 1689 Peruzzini lived in Bologna , where he created many landscape paintings for Count Annibale Ranuzzi, including two paintings with Sebastiano Ricci and Giovanni Antonio Burrini .

Peruzzini corresponded with Count Vitaliano VI in 1687 . Borromeo and supplied pictures to various customers in Venice , Modena , Parma , Casale Monferrato and Turin . In Milan , together with Sebastiano Ricci , he created the painting “Temptation of St. Anthony” for Prince Cesare Pagani. At the beginning of the 18th century he moved to Tuscany , where he worked for Ferdinando de 'Medici and other noble families.


  • Laura Muti, Daniele De Sarno Prignano: Antonio Francesco Peruzzini . Edit Faenza, Faenza 1996, ISBN 88-8152-032-X
  • Mina Gregori, Pietro Zampetti: Antonio Francesco Peruzzini. Catalogo della mostra (Ancona, Mole Vanvitelliana, 26 July-9 September 1997) . Mondadori Electa, Milan 1997, ISBN 88-435-6156-1
  • Elisabetta Riva Caroti: Antonio Peruzzini . Edizione della Laguna

Web links

Commons : Antonio Francesco Peruzzini  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Fabiola Brugiamolini: Un documento inedito per Antonio Francesco Peruzzini: le due Tempeste marine del pittore anconitano al Museo Pinacoteca della Santa Casa di Loreto , Il Lavoro editoriale, 1998, ISBN 88-7663-261-1 .