Antonio Quadri

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Antonio Quadri (* 1777 in Vicenza ; † 1845 in Venice ) was imperial councilor and member of the Ateneo Veneto , corresponding member of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti in Venice, then he belonged to the royal academy in Turin and that in Padua , was an honorary member of the Accademia Olimpica in Vicenza.

Sketch of St. Mark's Square from the work of Quadri and Moretti, 1831
View of the Molo and the Piazzetta

In 1816, after holding various administrative posts under French and Austrian rule, Quadri became secretary of the Austrian government in Venice. In 1824 and 1826 he first published works on the statistics of Veneto , but then turned to subjects of art and history. In 1826, for example, he published the first volume of a ten "epochs" survey of Italy's history, which listed the first two epochs, namely the question of the origin of the Italians on the one hand, but then those of the earliest inhabitants of the peninsula named by ancient authors. With the engraver Dionisio Moretti , he produced Il Canal Grande di Venezia descritto da Antonio Quadri ... e rappresentato in LX tavole rilevate ed incise da Dionisio Moretti in 1828 , a work that was as extensively equipped with engravings as Otto giorni , which was published in 1821 a Venezia (“Eight Days in Venice”), which has had several editions and has been translated into French and partially also into German.

Publications (selection)

  • Storia della statistica dalle sue origini sino alla fine del secolo 18 per servire d'introduzione ad un prospetto statistico delle provincie Venete , Giuseppe Picotti, Venice 1824.
  • Prospetto statistico delle Provincie Venete , Francesco Andreola, 1826.
  • Le dieci epoche della storia d'Italia antica e moderna , Rusconi, Milan 1826 (begins in the first volume with the biblical tradition, but continues with the classical Aborigines , with Pelasgians and Etruscans, Ausoni, Euganei, etc.). ( Digitized version )
  • Otto giorni a Venezia , part 1: Oggetti principali da vedersi nella città di Venezia e nelle isole adiacenti distribuiti in otto giornate , Francesco Andreola, Venice 1821.
  • Otto giorni a Venezia , Molinari, Venice 1821, 1824, 1830 and 1853; french Huit Jours à Venise , Paris 1828, 1838, 1842.
  • Four days in Venice plus an appendix of a fifth day to visit the strangest islands of the Laguna , Cecchini, Venice 1846, expanded edition 1850.
  • Serto de'dogi Mocenigo , Tipografia Armena di San Lazzaro, Venice 1840. ( digitized version )
  • Descrizione topografica di Venezia e delle adiacenti lagune , Forni, Bologna 1844.


  1. Bibliografia italiana, ossia elenco generale delle opere d'ogni specie e d'ogni lingua stampate in Italia e delle italiane pubblicate all'estero , Nuova serie, Anno I. Vedova di AF Stella e Giacomo Figlio, Milan 1845, p. 271 f .