Apethymus serotinus

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Apethymus serotinus
Plant wasp Apethymus serotinus

Plant wasp Apethymus serotinus

Subordination : Plant Wasps (Symphyta)
Family : Sawfly (Tenthredinidae)
Subfamily : Allantinae
Tribe : Allantini
Genre : Apethymus
Type : Apethymus serotinus
Scientific name
Apethymus serotinus
( OV Müller , 1776)

Apethymus serotinus is a plant wasp from the family of sawfly (Tenthredinidae).


The adult plant wasps (adults) of Apethymus serotinus are black and have a body length of 7-11 mm. The antennae and legs of the plant wasps are noticeable for the species , as they are partly white in color. The 6th, 7th and 8th antennae are whitish. The femur (thigh) is reddish. The upper part of the tibia (splint) is white, while the lower part and the tarsus (foot) are black.

The mainly gray colored larvae (anal caterpillars) reach a length of 25 mm.


The animals are found all over Europe including the British Isles and are widespread in Central Europe .

Way of life

The adults of Apethymus serotinus fly in late summer and autumn (mid-September to late October). They lay their eggs in the bark of younger branches of oak ( Quercus ), where they hibernate. In spring, the larvae hatch and feed on the newly emerging oak leaves. The larvae go through 6 stages over a period of about a month before they enter a summer diapause in the soil and then pupate. In alluvial forests there can occasionally be mass reproductions and corresponding forest damage.


The following synonyms are known from the literature :

  • Apethymus braccatus ( Gmelin in Linnaeus , 1790)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c www.bioinfo.org.uk
  2. www.biolib.cz

Web links

Commons : Apethymus serotinus  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  • W. Schwenke : The forest pests of Europe (4th volume: Hymenoptera and Zweiflügler). Paul Parey Publishing House, Hamburg & Berlin 1982, ISBN 3-490-11416-7