Apis nigrocincta

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Apis nigrocincta
Superfamily : Apoidea
without rank: Bees (Apiformes)
Family : Apidae
Subfamily : Apinae
Genre : Honey bees ( apis )
Type : Apis nigrocincta
Scientific name
Apis nigrocincta
Smith , 1861

Apis nigrocincta is one of the nine types of honeybees . It occurs on Mindanao ( Philippines ) as well as on Sulawesi and the Sangihe Islands ( Indonesia ).

Like the closely related species Apis cerana , Apis nigrocincta builds their nests in caves. Between the closely related species there are subtle differences in the morphology , and in the genes of the cell nucleus and mitochondria as well as in behavior.

In areas where A. cerana and A. nigrocincta live together, they can be differentiated by color and size: A. cerana is relatively darker and smaller, while A. nigrocincta is rather larger and has a yellowish clypeus (face plate).

The shape of the honeycombs also differ: the opening of the drone cells A. cerana is closed with a wax lid . In the stick of A. nigrocincta , on the other hand, the drone cell has an opening without a wax cap. A. nigrocincta queens also lay more drone eggs than A. cerana queens .

The two species also prefer different times for collecting pollen.

A. nigrocincta is also attacked by the varroa mite .


  • S. Hadisoesilo S., GW Otis, M. Meixner Two distinct populations of cavity-nesting honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in South Sulawesi, Indonesia . Journal of the Kansas Entomology Society . Vol 68: 399-407 (1995).
  • DR Smith, RH Hagen: The biogeography of Apis cerana as revealed by mitochondrial DNA sequence data . Journal of the Kansas Entomology Society . Vol 69: 294-310 (1996).
  • DR Smith, L. Villafuerte, G. Otis, MR Palmer: Biogeography of Apis cerana F. and A. nigrocincta Smith: insights from mtDNA studies , Apidologie 31 (200), 265-280.
  • K. Palmer, B. Oldroyd, P. Franck; S. Hadisoesilo: Very high paternity frequency in Apis nigrocincta. Insectes soc. 48 (2001) 327-332. text
  • J. Woyke: Unasienianie matek pszczelich na trutowisku o zwiększonej liczbie trutni. [Mating of queens in mating station with increased number of drones]. Pszczeln. Zesz. nauk., 15 (1-2): 43-51. 1971.
  • J. Woyke: The heredity of color patterns in the honey bee. Intern. Symposium on Genetics, Selection and Reproduction of the honeybee. Moscow 1976 Apimondia Publ. House, Bucharest: 49-55. 1977.
  • J. Woyke; Bobrzecki, J. Pszczel .: Long queen cells disease . Zesz. nauk. 22: 59-69. 1978. Text
  • Christopher I. Keeling, Gard W. Otis, Soesilawati Hadisoesilo, Keith N. Slessor: Mandibular gland component analysis in the head extracts of Apis cerana and Apis nigrocincta. Apidology 32 (3): 243-252. text
  • Soesilawati Hadisoesilo: A comparative study of two species of cavity nesting honey bees of Sulawessi, Indonesia. University of Guelph. Canada. Tesis PhD. pp: 1-257. text
  • Dawn Renee Bakker: Foraging and habitat selection by two species of the honey bee near Lore Lindu National Park in Sulawessi, Indonesia. University of Guelph. Canada. Tesis MSc. Pp. 1-148 text

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