Appiano Buonafede

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Delle conquiste celebri , 1763 (Milano, Fondazione Mansutti )

Appiano Buonafede (born January 4, 1716 in Comacchio , † December 17, 1793 in Rome ) was an Italian philosopher , theologian and writer . As a pseudonym he used the name Agatotopisto Cromaziono and the anagram Appiò Anneo Faba .


Appiano Buonafede was one of the most outstanding and original Italian intellectuals of his time. He is considered to be one of the most important late enlightenment officers of the monastic orders in Italy.

Buonafede came from an established Comacchio family, the Buonafede di Comacchio family . His talent became apparent early on, when he was already excelling as a writer at the age of 14. In 1734 he entered the monastic order of the Cölestines . In Bologna he studied theology and philosophy. After completing his studies in Rome, he became a lecturer in theology at the University of Naples at the age of 24 . Through public speeches and discussions on spiritual and secular subjects, he laid the foundation for his later extraordinary fame. His 60 Elogi poetici e critici di Nomini saggi had to be published eight times within a very short time. Immediately after the death of the Celestine Galiani, he was commissioned by his order to write his biography. He became known through his biographies of famous Italians.

From 1752 he held various administrative posts in his order. In 1754 he became a member of the Rome-based Arcadia Academy . He was successively abbot in Bergamo , Rimini and Bologna , general provveditore of the entire order in Rome and in the period 1770–1780 then also abbot general of the entire order in Murone in Apulia . When he was appointed first secretary of his order and abbot of the monastery in Puglia, he had to temporarily turn his back on science because he was now forced to deal not only with administrative tasks, but also with practical and theoretical questions agriculture. His administrative duties required frequent trips to Rome and the various monasteries of his order.

He wrote the comedy Filosofi fanciulli , in which he ridiculed the philosophers as children. This satire involved him in literary disputes with other writers in 1764, such as B. with Joseph Baretti . However, this did not prevent him from writing another satirical work, with the Tiel Ritratti poetici, storici e critici di varj moderni uomini di lettere , in which he mocked the entire guild of philosophers following the example of Lucian . In 1761 he also wrote a sociological study of suicide from a critical-philosophical point of view. He had received the Greek name Agatopisto Cromaziono from the Arkadia Academy , under which he published most of his writings.

Most recently he gave up due to illness and withdrew to the Roman monastery of San Eusebio . By a papal decree he was appointed abbot for life. After his death, his nephew, the port commander and poet Antonio Buonafede , succeeded him under the name Agatopisto Cromazione Giuniore (Agatopisto Cromaziono junior) at the Arkadia Academy ; he wrote a short biography about his uncle, which was published in the Literarisches Anzeiger of 1796, issue 34.

Appiano Buonafede's work on the history of the revolutionary upheavals in philosophy was translated into German by the philosopher Karl Heinrich Heydenreich .

Works (selection)

  • Ritratti poetici, storici, e critici di varj moderni uomini di lettere (sonnets with annotations), Naples 1745.
    • Volume 1, new edition, Naples 1889, 371 pages .
  • Saggio di Commedie filosofiche - Con ampie Annotazioni , Faenza 1754, 235 pages .
  • Il bue pedagogo: novelle menippee di Luciano da Firenzuola, contra una certa frustra pseydoepigrafa di Aristarco Scannabue (writing against Baretti); Lucca 1764, 218 pages .
  • Critical history of the revolutions in philosophy over the last three centuries , translated from the Italian by Karl Heinrich Heydenreich, Leipzig 1791
  • Della istoria e della indole di ogni filosofia e della restaurazione di ogni filosofia nei secoli XVI, XVII e XVIII , Lucca 1766–1771, 5 volumes, Venice 1782–83, 6 volumes, and Milan 1837, review of the new edition .
  • Istoria critica e filosofica del suicidio , Naples 1788, 204 pages .
  • Vincenzo Gravina, Giuseppe Baretti, Appiano Buonafede, Francesco Algarotti and Giulio Perticari: Scrittori critici e filologi , Biblioteca Enciclopedica italiana, Volume XIII, Milan 1831, 640 pages .


  • Enciclopedia Italiana , Istituto Giovanni Treccani, Volume VIII, Milan 1930, pp. 114-115.
  • Repertory of the domestic and foreign literature of the entire philosophy ( Hubert Beckers , ed.), Volume I , 2nd issue, Nuremberg 1839, pp. 25-27.
  • Continuazione delle Memorie istoriche di letterari ferraresi (Giovanni Andrea Barotti, Leopoldo Cicognara and Girolamo Baruffaldi, eds.), Ferrara 1811, pp. 197-204 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Emil Weller : Index Pseudonymorum , Leipzig 1856, p. 4 .
  2. ^ Notes and Queries , Volume XI (1855), No. 294, p. 467, bottom right column .
  3. cf. z. B. Penny Encyclopaedia , Volume 3, London 1835, p. 447, right column ff .
  4. ^ Antonio Buonafede (published under the pseudonym Agatopisto Buonafede Giumiore): Elogio storico letterario di Agatopisto Cromaziono (Appiano Buonafede), Ferrara 1794.