Working group on music in youth

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Logo of the working group music in youth

The working group Music in Youth - German Federation of Young Choirs and Instrumental Groups e. V. (AMJ) was founded in Hamburg on November 10, 1947 . The founding members were Fritz Jöde , Karl-Heinz Möseler, Herbert Sass , Gottfried Wolters u. a. The federal office has been in Wolfenbüttel since 1978.

Choir Association

The AMJ is a choir association for children's and youth choirs , school and university choirs as well as for all adult choirs for which further training opportunities and international exchange are important. The AMJ supports its member groups with practical problems (e.g. association law, GEMA or artists' social insurance), with the application for grants from municipal, state, federal or European funds, with the creation and maintenance of national and international contacts. There is also the option of borrowing free of charge from the association's own music library with over 3500 music notations.


The AMJ conducts over 100 courses every year, in which those interested can expand their musical skills and get new ideas in working weeks and weekend courses. Choir directors , teachers and multipliers receive opportunities for further training as well as for information and exchange with one another. Contents: old and new music, jazz / rock / pop, instrumental and vocal, individual instruments and ensembles, choir conducting, voice training . Every year in February, a symposium with workshops on the topic of the voice of children and young people takes place in Leipzig with now more than 400 participants (interdisciplinary together with the Leipzig University Hospital and in cooperation with the University of Music and Theater Leipzig and the Federal Association of German Singing Pedagogues ).

International projects

The working group music in youth organizes meeting events, singing weeks and festivals such as B .:

  • the Eurotreff in Wolfenbüttel , every two years in autumn
  • the international youth chamber choir meeting on Usedom , every two years in summer.

In addition, the AMJ is the central office of the Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth and the German-French and German-Polish youth organizations.

The AMJ is a founding member of the European Federation of Young Choirs ( Europa Cantat ) and the International Federation for Choral Music (IFCM). He supports the work of the World Youth Choir and is a member of the German Music Council (DMR), the Federal Association of German Choir Associations (BDC), the Federal Association for Cultural Children and Youth Education (BKJ) and the Association of German Music Schools (VdM). The AMJ also provides board members at Europa Cantat and the ADC.

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