Archibald Reiss

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Rudolf Archibald Reiss

Rudolf Archibald Reiss (also Rodolphe Archibald Reiss; Serbian Родолф Арчибалд Рајс Rodolf Arčibald Rajs ; * July 8, 1875 at Gut Hechtsberg, Sulzbach municipality , Grand Duchy of Baden , German Empire ; † August 7, 1929 in Belgrade , Kingdom of Yugoslavia ) was a German Swiss criminology pioneer, university lecturer and publicist .


Archibald Reiss grew up in a family of winemakers. He was the eighth of ten children of the landowner and Minister of Baden Ferdinand Reiss and Pauline Sabine Anna Gabriele, née. Seutter von Lötzen. After graduating from high school, he moved to Switzerland to study in 1893. In 1898 he received his doctorate in natural sciences from the University of Lausanne . He was a photography expert and founded the journal suisse des photographes in 1898 . In 1901 he was naturalized in Lausanne. From 1899 to 1906 he was director of photography, from 1902 to 1906 a lecturer and from 1906 to 1919 associate professor for police photography for search purposes at the University of Lausanne. He headed the Institut de police scientifique of the University of Lausanne, which he founded in 1909, until 1919. His pupil Marc-Alexis Bischoff was his successor . The publication of the first volume of his (never completed) Manuel de police scientifique in 1911 brought Reiss wide recognition as well as commissions from Saint Petersburg , São Paulo and New York .

At the invitation of the Serbian government, he investigated and documented Austro-Hungarian war crimes in Serbia during the First World War in 1915 and published the reports in European newspapers. Of particular importance was the finding of propaganda postcards of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces, on which the executions of Serbian civilians can also be seen. When Serbia was overrun in 1915, he joined the Serbian army, accompanied them during their retreat through Albania and returned with them when they liberated Belgrade in the last days of the war. He became known as a great friend of Serbia and the Serbian people and from then on lived in Serbia. As a member of the Yugoslav delegation, he took part in the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 .

After the war he tried to modernize the Belgrade police force. He seemed increasingly disillusioned and withdrew from public life, but remained in Bačko Dobro Polje in Vojvodina until his death . In 1926 he received the honorary citizenship of Krupanj . Reiss remained single. As a legacy to the Serbian people, he left a warning manuscript, completed on June 1, 1928, “Ecoutez, Serbes!” , Which was printed in large numbers in 2004 and distributed free of charge.

After his death, his body was buried in the Topčider cemetery in Belgrade. There is also a monument erected in his honor there. At his request, however, his heart was buried in an urn on the summit of Mount Kajmakčalan on the then Serbian- Greek border. Streets have been named after him in several Serbian cities, particularly Vojvodina. The Archibald Reiss Days ( Dani Arčibalda Rajsa ), organized by the Serbian Academy for Criminology and Police Studies , have been held annually in Belgrade since 2010 .


  • La photographie judiciaire Beudel, Paris 1903.
  • Manuel de police scientifique (technique). Préface de Louis Lépine. Payot, Lausanne 1911.
  • Report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian army during the first invasion of Serbia. Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co. Ltd., London 1916.
  • The infractions aux règles et lois de la guerre. Payot, Lausanne 1918.
  • Poslednje pismo Srbima: Čujte Srbi! Zlaja, Belgrade 2005, ISBN 86-84737-35-0 .


  • Zdenko Levental: Švajcarac na Kajmakčalanu: Knjiga o dr Rajsu. Prosveta, Belgrade 1984.
    • Translation: Rodolphe Archibald Reiss: Criminaliste et moraliste de la Grande Guerre. Editions L'Âge d'Homme, Lausanne 1992, ISBN 2-8251-0197-4 .
  • Jacques Matthyer (ed.): Rodolphe A. Reiss, pionnier de la criminalistique: Les années lausannoises et la fondation de l'Institut de police scientifique et de criminologie. Payot, Lausanne 2000, ISBN 2-601-03278-2 .
  • Quinche, Nicolas, "Experts du crime sur les bords du Léman: naissance de la police scientifique en Suisse romande et en France". Hauterive: Editions Attinger, 2014, 352p., Collection "Nouvelles Editions". ISBN 978-2-940418-82-4
  • Nicolas Quinche : Crime, Science et Identité. Anthology of the text fondateurs de la criminalistique européenne (1860–1930) . Slatkine, Geneva 2006, p. 368
  • Nicolas Quinche: Les victimes, les mobiles et le modus operandi du criminaliste suisse R.-A. Tear. Enquête sur les stratégies discursives d'un expert du crime (1906–1922). In: Revue Suisse d'Histoire. Vol. 58, Issue 4, December 2008, pp. 426-444.
  • Nicolas Quinche: L'ascension du criminaliste Rodolphe Archibald Reiss. In: Le théâtre du crime: Rodolphe A. Reiss (1875–1929) . Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne 2009, ISBN 978-2-88074-824-1 , pp. 231-250.
  • Nicolas Quinche: Reiss et la Serbie: Des scènes de crime aux champs de bataille, l'enquête continue. In: Le théâtre du crime: Rodolphe A. Reiss (1875–1929) . Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne 2009, ISBN 978-2-88074-824-1 , pp. 289-306.
  • Nicolas Quinche: Le tatouage dans l'œil du criminaliste. In: Le théâtre du crime: Rodolphe A. Reiss (1875–1929). Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne 2009, ISBN 978-2-88074-824-1 , pp. 307-310.
  • Ingo Wirth : Reiss, Rudolf Archibald. In the S. (Ed.): Kriminalistik-Lexikon. 4th edition. Kriminalistik, Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-7832-0804-7 , p. 465 ( online ).

Web links

Commons : Archibald Reiss  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Herbert Gantschacher: From the Austro-Hungarian Wehrmacht to the German Wehrmacht. Exhibition catalog. Edition Arbos Arnoldstein, Vienna / Salzburg / Klagenfurt 2009, p. 7.
  2. Obnovljen spomenik Arčibaldu Rajsu ( monument to Archibald Reiss renewed ). B92 , August 5, 2009 (Serbian), accessed August 20, 2012.
  3. Days of Archibald Reiss held in Belgrade. On:, March 3, 2014