Arene (Messenia)

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Arene ( Greek  Ἀρήνη ) was an ancient Greek port city in Messenia .

Arene is already mentioned in Homer as one of the cities that were under the influence of Nestor , it is located at the point where the river Minyeus flows into the sea. In the Homeric Hymn to Apollo it is mentioned among other cities on the west coast of the Peloponnese . Pausanias reports the founding myth of the city, after which it was founded by Aphareus and named after his half-sister and wife Arene .

In ancient times it was assumed that the lost city was the triphylian city ​​of Samia located on the Anigros , the Homeric river Minyeus was identified with the Anigros.



  1. Homer, Iliad 2, 591; 11, 723.
  2. Homeric Hymn 3, 423.
  3. ^ Pausanias 4, 2, 4.
  4. Strabon 8, 346.
  5. ^ Pausanias 5: 6, 2.