Arkady Fiedler

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Arkady Fiedler (ojciec) .jpg

Arkady Fiedler (born November 28, 1894 in Poznan , † March 7, 1985 in Puszczykowo in Powiat Poznański ) was a Polish biologist , journalist and writer .


Arkady Fiedler attended secondary school and then studied philosophy and biology at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow , later in Poznań and Berlin . In 1918 and 1919 he took part in the Greater Poland uprising . He was one of the organizers of the secret Polish military organization ( Polska Organizacja Wojskowa ).

Between 1927 and 1981 Arkady Fiedler undertook numerous trips through Europe , Asia , Africa and North and South America , during which he mostly conducted zoological and ethnographic studies. He wrote 32 books that have been translated into numerous languages. He mainly wrote travel reports and adventure novels.

In the Second World War he took part on the British side. His most famous book about the Polish fighter squadron " Dywizjon 303 " has sold more than 1.5 million times.

At the request of the children, he received the international award as Cavalier of the Order of Smiles .

In 1974 the Arkady Fiedler Museum was built in the former house of the Fiedler family in Puszczykowo .


In German translation appeared among others:

  • Resin-scented Canada . 1946 ( Canada pachnąca żywicą . 1935)
  • The fish sing in Ucayali: jungle experiences in the Amazon river basin . 1950 ( Ryby śpiewają w Ukajali . 1935)
  • Rio de Oro . ( Rio de Oro . 1950)
  • The little bison . ( Mały Bizon . 1952)
  • Experiences with jungle animals . 1953
  • Hot village in Madagascar . 1954 ( Gorąca wieś Ambinanitelo . 1954)
  • The island of the daring . 1958 ( Wyspa Robinsona . 1954)
  • Orinoco . 1960 ( Orinoco . 1957)
  • In the land of the wild bananas. Encounters with the Thai and Meo . ( Dzikie banany . 1959)
  • With Arawak and Waiwai (1974)
  • Squadron 303. The Polish fighter pilots in the Battle of Britain , Bochum 2010 ( Dywizjon 303. 1942); ISBN 978-3-00-030122-3 ( information online )
  • Buffalo Child , Wismar 2012, Persimplex Publishing Group, ISBN 978-3-86440-046-9

See also

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