Arnim Henglein

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Arnim Henglein (born May 23, 1926 in Cologne ; † January 5, 2012 ) was a German chemist who dealt in particular with work on radiochemistry and physical chemistry .


Arnim Henglein, son of the chemist Friedrich August Henglein , studied post-school chemistry and in 1951 at Heinz Ewald at the University of Mainz with the work mass spectrographic provisions of the masses of 23 Na, 41 K, 39 K and studies of the dissociation of ions doctorate . After completing his habilitation , he was appointed professor at the Technical University of Berlin . He later accepted a professorship for physical chemistry at the Hahn Meitner Institute for Nuclear Research in Berlin and taught there until his retirement . He also gave guest lectures at the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi .

In addition to his teaching activities, he wrote several specialist books on radiochemistry and physical chemistry.

Publications (selection)

His major publications include:

  • The combination of free macromolecular radicals formed by the ultrasonic degradation of polymethacrylic acid methyl ester and polystyrene . In: Die Makromolekulare Chemie , March 1956, pp. 37-47
  • The surface grafting of polyvinylpyrrolidone with acrylonitrile under the influence of Co-60 gamma rays, and the swelling properties of the products formed . In: Die Makromolekulare Chemie , 1958, pp. 119-133, co-author Wolfram Schnabel
  • The polymerization and graft copolymerization of acrolein under the influence of Co-60 gamma rays. Polymeric acroleins. 14th communication . In: Die Makromolekulare Chemie , 1959, pp. 181–191, co-authors Wolfram Schnabel and Rolf C. Schulz
  • Crosslinking of Polymers in Solution under the Influence of Gamma Radiation . In: The Journal of Physical Chemistry , 1959, pp. 1852-1858
  • Kinematics of ion-molecule reactions , 1968
  • Introduction to radiation chemistry with practical instructions , co-author Wolfram Schnabel, 1969
  • Elastic and reactive scattering of ions on molecules , 1971
  • Pulse radiolysis and polarography, a review , 1974
  • Detection of the intermediates of colloidal TiO2-catalysed photoreactions . In: Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society , 1984, 78, pp. 151-163, co-authors Detlef Bahnemann and Lubomir Spanhel
  • Nuclear reactions in collapsing cavitation bubbles? . In: Nachrichten aus der Chemie , June 2002, pp. 706-707


  • Meyers Großes Personenlexikon , Mannheim 1968, p. 619.

Web links and sources

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Advertisement from TU Berlin in Tagesspiegel, February 5, 2012
  2. ↑ Biographical data, publications and academic family tree of Arnim Henglein at, accessed on February 9, 2018.