Arnold Heller

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Arnold Ludwig Gotthilf Heller (born May 1, 1840 in Kleinheubach , † January 31, 1913 in Kiel ) was a German pathologist, anatomist and professor at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel .

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Heller studied medicine in Erlangen and Berlin (with Rudolf Virchow ) and received his doctorate in 1866. He then studied in Vienna, Prague and Leipzig (and in England in 1871). In 1869 he completed his habilitation in Erlangen with Friedrich Albert von Zenker , whose assistant he was, was Deputy Director of Surgery there in 1870/71 and in 1872 he became Professor of Pathology and Pathological Anatomy in Kiel as the successor to Julius Friedrich Cohnheim . In 1905 he was rector.

In 1899 he described syphilitic aortitis (Döhle-Heller syndrome) with reference to the dissertation of his then assistant Paul Döhle . He did research on tuberculosis , pneumonia, meningitis , the blood vessels and the lymphatic system . In Kiel he was a member of the city council.

Heller had been a member of the Leopoldina since 1884 . Arnold-Heller-Strasse in Kiel is named after him.


  • About syphilitic aortitis and its importance for the development of aneurysms. In: Emil Ponfick (Ed.): Negotiations of the German Pathological Society, Second Conference, held in Munich from 18. – 22. September 1899. Verlag von Georg Reimer, Berlin 1900, pp. 346–351 ( digitized version ).


  • Julius Pagel : Biographical lexicon of outstanding doctors of the nineteenth century. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin a. Vienna 1901, p. 712 f ( digitized version ).

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Individual evidence

  1. Paul Döhle: A case of peculiar aortic disease in a syphilitic person . Inaugural dissertation, Kiel 1885.