Arnold Thill

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Arnold Thill (born April 4, 1914 in Scharmbeck , Osterholz district, † October 8, 2001 in Bremen ) was a German politician ( SPD ). He was a member of the Bremen City Parliament and the local office of the Bremen district Burglesum .


Family, education and work

Thill was the son of a cigar maker. In 1918 the family moved to Burgdamm . Here he attended middle school and completed a commercial apprenticeship. In 1931 he joined the SPD. From 1931 to the beginning of 1933 he worked as a parish clerk for the Prussian parish of Burgdamm. The National Socialists dismissed the Social Democrat from office. From 1933 he worked in the coffee and wood trade.

Thill was married to Margarete Thill (1911–1980). Both were buried in the Bremen-Lesum cemetery.

SPD member of parliament

After 1945, Thill was again a member of the SPD in a local SPD association in the now Bremen district of Burglesum. From 1953 to 1960 he was parliamentary group secretary of the SPD parliamentary group. His successor in this function was Willy Schelter .

From 1955 to 1967 he was a member of the Bremen citizenship for the SPD for 12 years and was active in various deputations and committees of the citizenship. a. in the Budget and Finance Committee. Since he wanted to remain head of the local office, he could not be re-elected as a member of the citizenship from 1967 onwards due to the then applicable regulation of the incompatibility of office and citizenship mandate.

Advisory board spokesman and local office manager

Thill was a member and spokesman of the Burglesum Advisory Board from 1950 to 1960 . From 1960 to 1979 he was the Burglesum local office manager for 19 years. He was followed by Klaus Dieter Kück in this position. During his service time and until 1999, Thill lived in the former Lesum schoolmaster's house on the old schoolyard , which the Lesum Heimatverein acquired in 1999 and operates as a home . Around 1960, Thill tried to get the Federal Railroad to set up a railway stop below Villa Marßel on the line from Bremen to Bremerhaven. During his tenure, the Marßeler Feld settlement was built with 2,300 apartments and 300 single-family houses, and in 1971 the Lesum barrage was built . Burglesum's population rose from 26,693 residents (1960) by around 9,000 residents to 35,306 residents (1975).

Further memberships

  • Member and temporarily vice chairman of the home and beautification club Bremen - Lesum .
  • Member of and collaboration in the Arbeiterwohlfahrt (AWO).

Sources, literature

  • Norbert Korfmacher: Directory of members of the Bremen citizenship 1946 to 1996 (= local politics. Volume 1). LIT, Münster 1997, ISBN 3-8258-3212-0 .
  • Information from the Burglesum local office
  • Heimatverein Lesum: Lesumer Bote