Artapanos of Alexandria

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Fragment under the heading Artapanus in: Paul Rießler, Old Jewish literature outside the Bible (1928)

Artapanos of Alexandria (Greek Ἀρτάπανος ὁ Ἀλεξανδρεύς; the name is perhaps a pseudonym) was a Jewish writer of the second century BC. He lived in Alexandria and came from the city itself or the surrounding area. He wrote various writings about the Jews, including a history work About the Jews who have not survived. Parts of the work can be found in Eusebius of Caesarea and Clement of Alexandria , who quote him.

In a kind of absolute claim of the Jewish religion, all knowledge of the world and every form of religion is presented as originating from the Jews or biblical persons. So have z. B. Moses determines the individual form of the animal cult for each district of Egypt.


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