Arthur Butz

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Arthur Robert Butz (born November 10, 1933 in New York City ) is an American electrical engineer and lecturer in electrical engineering at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, and Holocaust denier .

In 1976, Butz first appeared with the book The Hoax of the Twentieth Century . It was published in 1977 in German translation ( The Fraud of the Century ) in Udo Walendy's "Verlag für Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforschung". In it, Butz denies the existence of gas chambers for extermination purposes in the concentration and extermination camps of the National Socialists and claims that all documents about the Holocaust are forgeries . The book was reprinted again in 1999.

In addition to his work as a lecturer, Butz appears as a speaker at various conferences, including at the historical revisionist Institute for Historical Review , and presents his theses there.

After Butz welcomed the statements made by Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadineschad on the non-existence of the Holocaust in 2006, students at his university initiated a protest under the title Never again , during which over 10,000 signatures were collected. Immediately after the statements, however, the university management announced that it would not be able to take any disciplinary measures because of Butz's private opinion as long as he did not express them in front of students.


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