Arthur Jetzlaff

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Arthur Jetzlaff (born March 1, 1899 in Berlin ; † 1941 ) was a German police officer and SS leader.


After attending school and participating in the First World War , Jetzlaff studied law and economics . 1923 doctorate he became Dr. jur. He then made his living in commerce and the electricity industry .

In 1928 Jetzlaff joined the police service as a detective commissioner candidate. After completing his training as a detective inspector, which he completed with an examination at the end of 1931, he was transferred to the Berlin Police Headquarters.

After the establishment of the Secret State Police , Jetzlaff, who was accepted into the NSDAP on May 1, 1933 ( membership number 2,329,088), was initially appointed field service manager of the state police station in Königsberg and in autumn 1933 he was appointed to main department 3 (intelligence) of the secret state police office in Berlin offset. There he was entrusted with the execution of special orders and sent to Paris and the Netherlands to receive "strictly confidential messages" .

After the SS took over the Secret State Police Office on April 20, 1934, Jetzlaff was temporarily transferred to the provinces, then worked again at the Berlin Police Headquarters from 1935 to 1939, where he was promoted to the Criminal Police Office in 1939. In the SS he was a sponsoring member since April 1, 1934 and a regular member since 1938 (SS no. 290.747)

In 1939 Jetzlaff became head of the SD service in Berlin before he was briefly transferred to Vienna in order to be entrusted with setting up and managing the police control center in Krakow in September 1939 . In 1941 he was sentenced to death by the SS and Police Court Berlin III on charges of embezzlement, stolen goods , “ racial disgrace ” and anti-state activity . It is not clear from the available sources whether the death sentence was actually carried out.


  • November 9, 1938: SS-Untersturmführer
  • 1939: SS-Hauptsturmführer


  • Christoph Graf : Political police between democracy and dictatorship. Berlin 1983.