Arthur Porr

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Arthur Porr (born June 11, 1872 in Berehowe ; † October 17, 1915 in Vienna ) was an Austrian building contractor and inventor of various techniques in concrete construction .


The son of a Transylvanian timber merchant graduated from the military high school in Mährisch Weißkirchen and the genius department of the Technical Military Academy in Vienna. In 1893 he became a lieutenant in the railway and telegraph regiment, and in 1897 a first lieutenant. In the same year he quit military service and then worked for various construction companies on the further development of reinforced concrete construction . At the beginning of the 20th century, the inventions of civil engineers helped concrete construction achieve a breakthrough. This technology secured the leading position of the company "A. Porr Betonbauunternehmung GmbH", founded in 1908 with O. Stern, of which he was managing director until 1914. The general construction company - A. Porr AG, today Porr AG was created through the merger with the "Allgemeine Österreichische Baugesellschaft" .


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