Arthur Schneeberger

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Arthur Schneeberger

Arthur Schneeberger (born June 6, 1948 in Wolfsberg ) is an Austrian education and labor market researcher .

Career and work

Arthur Schneeberger studied philosophy , psychology and history at the University of Vienna and received his doctorate with a thesis on the philosophy of science and the social philosophy of critical rationalism . His research work led from the Institute for Applied Sociology (IAS) in Vienna and the Institute for Sociology and Social Anthropology at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg to the Institute for Economic Research (ibw) in Vienna, where he worked between 1986 and 2013 . In addition to leading national and international research work, he was a member of the Trans-Atlantic Technology and Training Alliances (TA3) and the Accreditation Council of the Further Education Academy (wba) as well as co-editor of the Adult magazine and lecturer in professional and university further education.

Thematic focus and scientific approach

  • Developments in the education and employment system due to changed social participation in education and technical-economic change
  • Focus on apprenticeship training, HTL, technical and scientific higher education
  • Basic education requirements for entry into training, employment and further education
  • Comparative educational research and work on international qualification comparison systems (ISCED, EQF)
  • International research and collaborations, national reports to OECD and EU
  • Challenges of education and labor market integration through global migration flows

Education expansion, service growth, computerization and internationalization of education and work have been followed in studies and publications since the late 1970s . The main concern was to show the importance of professional and academic educational pathways using labor market data and company surveys. In contrast to the social utopia - which goes back to Jean Fourastié - of the permanent upgrading of the service society, the need for simple and intermediate qualifications was shown early on. Controversial for a long time, this thesis is gaining acceptance in the face of international recruitment and global migration.

Structural-functional social theory ( Talcott Parsons ), the theory of post-industrial society ( Daniel Bell , Benjamin Barber and others), concepts of educational economics (filter and human capital theory) and the social control theory of Charles E. Lindblom served as a further frame of reference for the research (Beyond the market and the state).

As a result of the growing global mobility of the labor force and companies, the transparency and recognition of qualifications have become more relevant. Research has focused on dealing critically with it since the early 1990s. This implied criticism of superficial comparisons of qualifications (e.g. “comparisons of academics”). Without a valid tertium comparationis , country comparisons of qualifications remain unrealistic. Far-reaching differences in global educational cultures require the transparency of qualifications that you have brought with you as an aid to classification and recognition procedures.

Going beyond educational benchmarks (participation and graduation rates, etc.), the country comparison was expanded to include the outcomes of the education systems (such as unemployment rate, GDP per capita, income spread, etc.) in order to avoid narrowing public discourse.

The general concern of excluding as far as possible the interdependence of the qualification discourse with external factors (from the political-ideological context) was given high priority to empirical evidence-based research. This orientation in the publications was recognized with the award of the Austrian State Prize for Adult Education in the Science category 2009 for the entire work.

Fonts (selection)

  • Public discussion and political control of the choice of study, in: Paul Kellermann (Ed.): Study admission and study admission. Aspects of change in access to higher education. Klagenfurt: Kärntner Druck- u. Verlagsgesellschaft 1984, ISBN 3-85391-046-7 , pp. 198-217.
  • Need-based choice of degree? Public discussion and political control of the stream of new students. In: Federal Ministry for Science and Research (Hrsg.): Professional situation and social position of academics. Vienna 1985, pp. 120-141.
  • (with others) job and career opportunities for dropouts. In: Federal Ministry for Science and Research (Hrsg.): Professional situation and social position of academics. Vienna, 1985, pp. 142-160.
  • Divergences between educational expansion and technical-economic change, in: P. Kellermann (Hrsg.): Universität und Hochschulpolitik. Klagenfurt, 1986, ISBN 3-205-08144-7 , pp. 325–341.
  • Barriers in access to engineering studies in gender-specific analysis. Results of a survey of the Maturajgang 1987. Research contract of the Federal Ministries for Science and Research and for Education, Art and Sport. Series of publications by the Institute for Educational Research in the Economy 62, Vienna 1988, ISBN 3-900671-22-2 , 204 pages.
  • Trends in academic employment and consequences for professional and educational career counseling, in: Upbringing and teaching. Austrian Pedagogical Journal, Issue 1989, Vienna, pp. 320–326.
  • Future issues of educational expansion. Ibw research report 69, 1st edition 1989, 3rd edition 1990, like 103 pages. ISBN 3-900671-30-3 .
  • Trends in the academic labor market - repercussions on choice of course and degree? in: M. Schilling (Ed.): On the development of academic professions and university studies. Klagenfurt 1990, ISBN 3-85391-095-1 , pp. 62-76.
  • Technical qualifications in a country comparison. The Federal Republic of Germany, Italy and Switzerland from an Austrian perspective. Series of publications by the Institute for Educational Research in the Economy No. 76, Vienna 1990, ISBN 3-900671-37-0 , 151 pages.
  • Academic success and dropout in business-related fields of study. Mechanical engineering - electrical engineering, business administration - commercial science, research report to the Federal Ministry of Science and Research, series of publications by the Institute for Economic Research in Education No. 85, 138 pages, Vienna 1991, ISBN 3-900671-46-X .
  • Structures and current trends in vocational education and training in Austria, in: Pädagogik und Schule in Ost und West, issue 1/1992, Oldenburg, pp. 9-17.
  • Course of studies, employment during the study period and supervision by university lecturers, in: Zeitschrift für Hochschuldidaktik. Contributions to studies, science and work, Volume 16, 1992, No. 2, pp. 215–226.
  • Young people in the education and training system. Transitions, sensitivities and job-related expectations, in: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Youth and Family: Second report on the situation of young people in Austria, Vienna, 1993, pp. 333–346.
  • Werkmeisterschulen: teaching quality and professional function of the graduates, in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Berufspädagogik, Heft 4 1994/95, Vienna, pp. 31–35.
  • The vocational school in the judgment of graduates and training specialists, in: Österreichische Zeitschrift für Berufspädagogik, Heft 4 1994/95, Vienna, pp. 26–28.
  • Do we have too few academics? In: ibw (ed.): Vocational training more topical than ever. Current trends and future challenges of needs-based qualification. Ibw-Schriftenreihe No. 100, Vienna 1995, pp. 259–289, ISBN 3-900671-62-1 .
  • On the importance of education and qualifications for competitiveness, in: H. Handler (Hrsg.): Wirtschaftsstandort Österreich. Competitive Strategies for the 21st Century. Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, Economic Policy Section, Vienna 1996, pp. 234–273. ISBN 3-901676-00-7 .
  • (with L. Lassnigg ) Transition from initial education to working life. OECD-Country Background Report: Austria, Research report commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, 113 pages, Vienna, 1997. On the Internet: (27.05.2020 ).
  • (with B. Kastenhuber ) Costs and benefits of apprenticeship training. Development, structure and research results, series of publications by the Institute for Economic Research in Education No. 105, Vienna, August 1997, 112 pages. ISBN 978-3-900671-68-6 , ISBN 3-900671-68-0 .
  • Beyond the disaster reports. Some considerations based on the comparative education statistics of the OECD, in: ibw (Hrsg.): Lifelong learning. Current articles on professional development in Austria, ibw series no. 104, Vienna 1997, ISBN 3-900671-67-2 , pp. 3–45.
  • (with B. Kastenhuber , K. Mayer, M. Steiner): Les réformes dans les dispositif de formation contre l'échec scolaire et social en Europe - Le cas de l'Autriche, Vienne, September 1997, 101 pages.
  • The Austrian HTL training - as an example of recognized engineering training at the upper secondary level, study at the BMUK. Meeting of the Directors General for Vocational Training October 19 and 20, 1998, Bregenz, Vienna, 1998.
  • Apprenticeship training in metal and electrical professions in an industrial company (Julius Blum GmbH, Höchst). Professional pedagogical and economic case study on behalf of the BMUK. Meeting of the Directors General for Vocational Training 19th and 20th 1998, Bregenz, Vienna, 1998.
  • Long-term trend analysis of the development of qualifications in Austria, in: (Ed. With M. Thum-Kraft): Qualification Requirements and Educational Streams in Change, ibw research report no. 110, Vienna 1998, pp. 29–47. ISBN 3-900671-74-5
  • (with B. Kastenhuber ) Further training for the working population in Austria. Results from population and company surveys, ibw research report No. 107, Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-900671-70-2 , 128 pages.
  • University and labor market in an international comparison. Ibw-Schriftenreihe No. 109, Vienna 1998, ISBN 3-900671-73-7 , 132 pages.
  • Universities and labor markets. Structural coordination mechanisms in international comparison, ibw research report no. 113, 364 pages, Vienna 1999, ISBN 3-900671-82-6 .
  • The concept of a minimum learning platform - educational content and methods for promoting low-skilled people, in: Berufsbildung - Europäische Zeitschrift, No. 20, May - August 2000 / II, CEDEFOP, Thessaloniki, pp. 65–70. ISSN  0378-5106 .
  • Lifelong learning as the key to the information society, ibw series no. 120, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-900671-97-4 , 142 pages.
  • Universities under pressure to modernize. Internationalization and computerization as challenges. ibw series no.119, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-900 671-92-3 .
  • Education for the knowledge-based professional world. In: AA Bucher, K. Lauermann, E. Walcher (eds.): ... what people need. Educational ideals in competition, Vienna 2003, ISBN 3-209-04347-7 .
  • (with P. Schlögl ) Adult education in Austria. Country background report on the OECD country review on adult education, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture Vienna , 2003.
  • Employment of technically and scientifically highly qualified - qualification structure and future prospects. In: M. Hofstätter, R. Sturm (Ed.): Educational biographies, job market careers and job market needs. AMS report 40, Ed. Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich (AMS) , Vienna 2004, ISBN 3-85495-221-X , pp. 31–46.
  • Participation structure and resources in adult education - empirical foundations of a strategy for lifelong learning, published by the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture (BMBWK), materials for adult education, No. 2/2005, Vienna, ISBN 3-85031-067-1 .
  • Young people with problems entering training and employment - occupational structural, demographic and pedagogical aspects. AMS Austria (Hrsg.): Qualification needs of the future III: Further training of the low-skilled. Contributions to the symposium: AMS report 45, Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-85495-226-0 , pp. 42–63.
  • (with A.Petanovitsch) .: Recognition of professional experience and previous knowledge in training and further education and in university access. Analysis of European approaches to crediting and their relevance for Austria. Ibw series of publications no.129, Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-902358-25-4 , 120 pages.
  • Skills for the knowledge and service society. Trends determining future pro-service and in-service VET needs. In: European journal of vocational training, No 38 - 2006 - 2, p. 6 - 23. ISSN  0378-5068 .
  • (with A. Petanovitsch, S. Nowak) Optimizing Cooperation between Part-time Vocational Schools and Company-based Training. Surveys and Analyzes of Pedagogical Aspects to Improve the Quality of Initial Vocational Education and Training. Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture , Vienna, 2006, 82 pages.
  • Structure and expansion of the employment of university graduates in Austria: trend analysis and international comparative perspective, in: M. Hofstätter, R. Sturm (Ed.): University and job market. AMS-Report 57, Ed. Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich (AMS), Vienna 2007, ISBN 978-3-85495-238-4 , pp. 17–36.
  • Apprenticeship training in Austria: Trends - Problems - Perspectives, in: J. Prager, C. Wieland: Dual training system - Quo vadis? Vocational training on new paths, Bertelmann, Gütersloh 2007, ISBN 978-3-89204-886-2 , pp. 91-114.
  • General and vocational adult education in the information and service society, in: Magazin Adults, No. 0/2007, 21 pages. ISSN  1993-6818 .
  • Importance of education, in: Agricultural Education Report 2008 , published by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW), Vienna, 2008, pp. 9–27.
  • Medium-term prospects for the HTL. Surveys and analyzes to ensure and further develop the quality of training. With a foreword by BM Dr. Claudia Schmid, study commissioned by the BMUKK, ibw series no. 138, Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-902358-87-5 , 222 pages.
  • (with P. Schlögl , A. Petanovitsch) Development and Status of Adult Education in Austria, Country Report for the UNESCO 6th International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI), in: Materials for Adult Education 1/2008, Ed. Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Kultur (BMUKK), Vienna 2008, ISBN 978-3-85031-114-4 , 61 pages.
  • (Ed.) Qualified for adult education? Professionalism in the discussion, in: magazine adult , 4/2008, Vienna, 201 pages, ISSN  1993-6818 .
  • Employment of technically and scientifically highly qualified - qualification structure and future prospects. In: A. Egger-Subotisch, R. Sturm (Hrsg.): Between modernization and stagnation: Contributions on the topic of career entry and employment opportunities for academics in Austria. AMS report 69, Ed. Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich, Vienna 2009, ISBN 978-3-85495-250-3 , pp. 6–22.
  • Education guarantee until 18th / 19th Year of life - developments and perspectives in vocational training, in: SPECHT W. (Ed.): Nationaler Bildungsbericht Österreich 2009, Volume 2, Leykam, Graz 2009, ISBN 978-3-7011-7678-6 , pp. 55–72.
  • What's new in the European Qualifications Framework? Comparison with existing educational frameworks. In: Markowitsch, J. (Ed.): The National Qualifications Framework in Austria. Contributions to development. Vienna and Berlin, 2009, Lit Verlag, ISBN 978-3-643-50022-9 , pp. 135–162.
  • University system ranking as food for thought for a structural discussion of the tertiary education system, in: Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter 4/2009, 56th year, published by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ), Vienna, Manz, 2009, pp. 709-732, ISSN  1605-8704 .
  • Education 2020 - EU benchmarks and real trends as challenges, in: Die Österreichische Volkshochschule (ÖVH), magazine Adults, vol. 61 / no. 238, 04/2010, Vienna, pp. 2–8, ISSN  0472-5662 .
  • (with A. Petanovich): Between the lack of academics and precarious employment. To prove the university expansion on the labor market, ibw research report No. 153, Vienna 2010, ISBN 978-3-902742-09-4 , 184 pages.
  • (with A. Petanovitsch): Bachelor's degree and the job market from the perspective of the students. Analysis by type of university and subject area. ibw research report No. 154, Vienna 2010, ISBN 978-3-902742-24-7 , 113 pages.
  • International classification of Austrian vocational training. Adequate ISCED positioning as an educational policy challenge, ibw research report No. 156, Vienna 2010, ISBN 978-3-902742-21-6 , 112 pages.
  • Influencing factors and design fields of quality development in apprenticeship training, in: G. Niedermair (Hrsg.): Quality development in vocational training. Claims and Realities, Linz 2010, ISBN 978-3-85499-702-3 , pp. 47-72.
  • Blocked university reform, in: Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter, 58th volume, 2/2011, published by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ), Vienna 2011, Manz Verlag, pp. 333–345. ISSN  1605-8704 .
  • (with A. Petanovitsch and G. Enzi) Facts and analyzes on educational reform in the agricultural and environmental sector. Research report on behalf of the BMLFUW, November 2012, 115 pages.
  • (together with K. Schmid, A. Petanovitsch): Skills beyond school in Austria. Country background report: OECD review of postsecondary vocational education and training , Paris 2012, ISBN 978-3-902742-74-2 , 110 pages.
  • What training and further education do we need in the future? European benchmarks and international migration as challenges. In. The Austrian Adult Education Center, year 64, no. 250, December 2013, pp. 9–15. ISSN  0472-5662 .
  • (Ed.) The promise of social permeability. Second education and degree-oriented adult education. In: magazine adult , issue 21, 2014, 156 pp. ISSN  2076-2879 ; ISSN  1993-6818 (online).
  • Die Höhere Technische Lehranstalten (HTL) in Austria, in: Bildung und Erziehungs, 67th volume, issue 1, 2014, pp. 69–83. ISSN  0006-2456 , ISBN 978-3-412-22241-3 .
  • Future issues of adult education. Challenges from internationalization, migration and structural change. (= Pedagogical Writings of the BFI Upper Austria, Volume 1), Linz 2016, ISBN 978-3-9504172-0-3 , 42 pages.
  • Challenges of labor market-related adult education through global migration. In: magazine adult, Issue 38, 2019, pp. 2–12. ISSN  2076-2879 , ISSN  1993-6818 .

Award ceremony

On November 17, 2009 Arthur Schneeberger was awarded the Austrian State Prize for Adult Education for his “complete scientific work”.

Web links