Arto Paasilinna

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Arto Paasilinna, 2007

Arto Paasilinna (born April 20, 1942 in Kittilä , † October 15, 2018 in Espoo ) was a Finnish writer . He is often referred to as the "master of bizarre humor" and has received numerous national and international literary prizes for his books. So he got z. B. 1998 the Air Inter Prize in Bordeaux and 1994 the Premio Letterario Giuseppe Acerbi.


His parents Väinö Paasilinna (formerly Gullstén) and Hilda Maria (Maija), geb. Niva, worked for the police . Paasilinna is the father of two children, Jyrki Petteri (* 1964) and Janne (* 1967). He lived in Espoo - Westend near Helsinki in southern Finland until his death in October 2018 .

He trained at a newspaper and then worked as an editor for various newspapers and magazines. He has published 35 novels , many of which were made into films. His books have been translated into 35 languages.

Finnish literary criticism ignored him for a long time, which only changed when Paasilinna's novels also became popular internationally, first in France . His language is simple, direct and characterized by blunt, powerful and sometimes black humor. He paid special attention to his compatriots and their idiosyncrasies.

For many years Paasilinna had a publication policy according to which a book was published regularly per year, usually in the Finnish autumn. His publisher said: “The annual Paasilinna is an element of Finnish autumn, just like the falling birch leaves.” More than a dozen novels were published in German translation, some as audio books. His most successful book to date is Jäniksen vuosi (The Year of the Rabbit); it was translated into French, Estonian, Japanese, Dutch, English, German, Czech, Albanian, Icelandic, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew, Hungarian, Danish, Croatian, Greek, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Slovenian, Russian and Galician translated.

Author Erno Paasilinna and politician and MEP Reino Paasilinna are older brothers of Arto Paasilinna.



35 novels in October 2009:

  • Operaatio Finlandia . 1972
  • Paratiisisaaren vangit . 1974 (German by Regine Pirschel : Board meeting in Paradise . Bastei Lübbe Verlag , Bergisch Gladbach 2004, ISBN 3-404-92159-3 )
  • Jäniksen vuosi . 1975 (German by Regine Pirschel: The year of the rabbit . Byblos-Verlag, Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-929029-13-8 )
  • Onnellinen lousy . 1976 (German by Regine Pirschel: The revenge of the happy man . Bastei Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach 2002, ISBN 3-404-92118-6 )
  • Isoisää etsimässä . 1977
  • Sotahevonen . 1979 (German by Regine Pirschel: Good for a bad surprise . Lübbe, Cologne 2018, ISBN 978-3-431-04101-9 )
  • Herranen aika . 1980 (German by Regine Pirschel: Hell is going on in the hereafter . EditionLübbe , Bergisch Gladbach 2004, ISBN 3-7857-1552-8 )
  • Ulvova mylläri . 1981 (German by Regine Pirschel: Der howling miller . Ehrenwirth , Munich 1996, ISBN 3-431-03469-1 )
  • Kultainen nousukas . 1982
  • Hirtettyjen kettujen metsä . 1983 (German by Regine Pirschel: In the forest of hanged foxes . Ehrenwirth, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-431-03594-9 )
  • Ukkosenjumalan poika . 1984 (German by Stefan Moster: Der Sohn des Donnergottes . Ehrenwirth, Munich 1999, ISBN 3-431-03572-8 )
  • Parasjalkainen laivanvarustaja . 1985 (German by Regine Pirschel: The man with beautiful feet . Ehrenwirth Bergisch Gladbach, Lübbe Cologne, 2014, ISBN 978-3-7857-2503-0 )
  • Vapahtaja suruns . 1986 (German by Regine Pirschel: Weltretten für Beginners . Ehrenwirth, Bergisch Gladbach 2016, ISBN 978-3-431-03974-0 )
  • Koikkalainen kaukaa . 1987
  • Suloinen myrkynkeittäjä . 1988 (German by Regine Pirschel: Die Giftköchin . Ehrenwirth, Munich 1998, ISBN 3-431-03542-6 )
  • Auta armias . 1989 (German by Regine Pirschel: Der liebe Gott macht blau . EditionLübbe, Bergisch Gladbach 2008, ISBN 978-3-7857-1621-2 )
  • Hurmaava joukkoitsemurha . 1990 (German by Regine Pirschel: The wonderful mass suicide . EditionLübbe, Bergisch Gladbach 2002, ISBN 3-7857-1534-X )
  • Elämä lyhyt, Rytkönen pitkä . 1991 (German by Regine Pirschel: The summer of the laughing cows . Ehrenwirth, Bergisch Gladbach 2001, ISBN 3-431-03614-7 )
  • Maailman paras kylä . 1992 (German by Regine Pirschel: Nördlich des Weltuntergangs . EditionLübbe, Bergisch Gladbach 2003, ISBN 3-7857-1543-9 )
  • Aatami yes Eeva . 1993 (German by Regine Pirschel: Adam's bad luck to save the world . EditionLübbe, Bergisch Gladbach 2007, ISBN 978-3-7857-1607-6 )
  • Volomari Volotisen ensimmäinen vaimo ja muuta vanhaa tavaraa . 1994
  • Rovasti Huuskosen petomainen miespalvelija . 1995 (German by Regine Pirschel: A bear in a prayer chair . EditionLübbe, Bergisch Gladbach, 2005, ISBN 3-7857-1568-4 )
  • Lentävä kirvesmies . 1996
  • Tuomiopäivän aurinko nousee . 1997 (German by Regine Pirschel: Vom Himmel in die Traufe . Ehrenwirth, Bergisch Gladbach 2010, ISBN 978-3-431-03800-2 )
  • Hirttämättömien lurjusten yrttitarha . 1998
  • Hirnuva maailmanloppu . 1999
  • Ihmiskunnan loppulaukka . 2000
  • Kymmenen riivinrautaa . 2001 (German by Regine Pirschel: Ten tender scratching brushes . Bastei Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach 2008, ISBN 978-3-404-92286-4 )
  • Liikemies Liljeroosin ilmalaivat . 2003
  • Tohelo suojelusenkeli . 2004 (German by Regine Pirschel: Guardian angel with no wings . Ehrenwirth, Bergisch Gladbach 2011, ISBN 978-3-431-03827-9 )
  • Suomalainen kärsäkirja . 2005 (German by Regine Pirschel: An Elefant im Mückenland . EditionLübbe, Bergisch Gladbach 2006, ISBN 978-3-7857-1577-2 )
  • Kylmät Hermot, kuuma veri . 2006 (German Regine Pirschel: hot blood, cold nerves . Ehrenwirth, Bergisch Gladbach 2015. ISBN 978-3-431-03923-8 )
  • Rietas rukousmylly . 2007 (German by Regine Pirschel: The miraculous journey of a Finnish prayer wheel . EditionLübbe, Bergisch Gladbach 2012, ISBN 978-3-431-03842-2 )
  • Neitosten karkuretki . 2008
  • Elävänä omissa hautajaisissa . 2009

Audio books


(mostly in Finnish, some with subtitles - more information from the DFG)

  • Jäniksen vuosi (1977) → The Year of the Rabbit
  • Onnellinen mies (1979) → From the life of a happy man
  • Ulvova mylläri (1982) → The howling miller
  • Hirtettyjen kettujen metsä (1986) → In the forest of the hanged foxes
  • Suloinen myrkynkeittäjä (1995) → The Poison Cook
  • Elämä lyhyt, Rytkönen pitkä (1996) → The summer of laughing cows
  • Hurmaava joukkoitsemurha (2000) → The wonderful mass suicide
  • Kymmenen riivinrautaa (2002) → Ten tender scratching brushes
  • Neitosten karkuretki (2012)


Web links

Commons : Arto Paasilinna  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence
