Asiatic bicolor bat

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Asiatic bicolor bat
Vespertilio sinensis.jpg

Asiatic bicolor bat ( Vespertilio sinensis )

Superfamily : Smooth-nosed (Vespertilionoidea)
Family : Smooth-nosed (Vespertilionidae)
Subfamily : True smooth-nosed (Vespertilioninae)
Tribe : Vespertilionini
Genre : Bicolor bats ( Vespertilio )
Type : Asiatic bicolor bat
Scientific name
Vespertilio sinensis
Peters , 1880

The Asiatic bicolor bat ( Vespertilio sinensis ) is a bat in the smooth-nosed family . Until 1997 the scientific name Vespertilio superans was in use for this species, but this is a junior synonym of V. sinensis .


The specimen used by Peters as a holotype had a head-torso length of 70 mm, a tail length of 45 mm, 49 mm long forearms, 19 mm long ears and 11 mm long hind feet. In an animal measured in 1997, the head-trunk length was 65 mm, the tail length 44.5 mm and the length of the forearms 50.6 mm. As with the European two-colored bat, the ears are almost square. It is characterized by a thinner auricle and a different shape of various outgrowths on the auricle. The short fur on the top is made up of hair with a dark brown section and a light tip. The underside is covered with lighter brownish fur and the flight membranes are bare. Only the cartilaginous tip of the tail lies outside the tail membrane.

Distribution and way of life

The species occurs with several separate populations in eastern Asia. It reaches eastern Mongolia and southern Siberia in the north, eastern China and Taiwan in the south, and the Korean peninsula and Japan in the east . The Asiatic two-colored bat can be found in steppes, in mountains, near settlements as well as in semi-deserts and deserts.

Smaller groups or larger colonies rest in caves, crevices, tree hollows or buildings. The bats begin their insect hunt at dusk. They mostly visit open areas near water holes or in swamps. The hunt generally takes place high above the ground.


In the vicinity of villages and towns, the species is sometimes viewed as disturbing and is combated. However, this does not pose a threat to the overall population. The IUCN lists the Asian two-colored bat as not endangered ( Least Concern ).

supporting documents

  1. Don E. Wilson , DeeAnn M. Reeder (Ed.): Mammal Species of the World . A taxonomic and geographic Reference . 3. Edition. 2 volumes. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore MD 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4 (English, Vespertilio sinensis ).
  2. a b c d Vespertilio sinensis in the Red List of Endangered Species of the IUCN 2016. Posted by: Stubbe, M., Samiya, R., Ariunbold, J., Buuveibaatar, V., Dorjderem, S., Monkhzul, Ts., Otgonbaatar, M. & Tsogbadrakh, M., 2008. Retrieved June 12, 2017.
  3. Ivan Horácek: Status of Vesperus sinensis ( en , pdf) Charles University Prague. Pp. 59-72. 1997. Retrieved June 12, 2017.