Astrid Kohlmeier

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Astrid Kohlmeier (born September 15, 1983 in Graz ) is an Austrian director, playwright and author.


From 2003 to 2010 Kohlmeier studied German at the Karl-Franzens University in Graz. From 2008 to 2009 she was student assistant to the head of the institute for drama at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz. Engagements as Senior Artist and Senior Lecturer at the same institute followed. The first literary works appeared in 2002. Astrid Kohlmeier is a member of the Graz Authors' Assembly .

Kohlmeier's poetry was u. a. Published in the literary magazines “Freibord” ( Vienna ), “ Lichtungen ” ( Graz ), “ Die Rampe ” ( Linz ), “ Luftdurchlässig ” ( Berlin ) and “Proto” ( Düsseldorf ). Your theater texts ("Green organs", "Tinnitus transcription", "Black Dogs", "Freedom for beginners", "Blickwechsel" ...) a. performed in Graz, Munich, Memmingen, Greiz, Luxembourg, Zurich and Basel.

Kohlmeier's pieces and radio plays are published by Per H. Lauke Verlag, Hamburg. In 2010 her book “Vom Roman zum Theatertext. A comparative study using the example of the suffering of young Werther by Johann Wolfgang Goethe ”. Kohlmeier made her directorial debut in 2007 with "Male Eyelashes & Female Toes" at the State Theater in Swabia .

Publications (selection)

  • Poems. Clearings. Journal for literature, art and contemporary criticism. No. 112, Graz 2007
  • Silence, audible. Freeboard. Journal of Literature and Art. 2 u. 3/07 Vienna 2007
  • Serious; I didn't smell whale blood. The ramp. Booklets for literature 4/07 Linz 2007
  • Tinnitus transcription. Per H. Lauke Verlag, Hamburg 2007 (Premiere 2010 Kulturhaus Niederanven / Luxembourg )
  • Green organs. Per H. Lauke Verlag, Hamburg 2007 (UA 2007 Landestheater Schwaben)
  • From novel to theater text. A comparative study using the example of the “Sorrows of Young Werther” by Johann Wolfgang Goethe . VDM Saarbrücken 2010 ISBN 978-3-639-27649-7

Directorial work (selection)

  • Male eyelashes & female toes UA 2007 Landestheater Schwaben
  • Black Dogs. Facing depression. A scenic course of illness UA 2010 State Theater Schwaben
  • Do not overturn the order of society Commissioned work Landestheater Schwaben 2011
  • Blickwechsel UA 2011 XX. Greizer autumn theater

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