Attersee district

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The Atterseekreis , founded in 1971, saw itself as a discussion group for liberals within the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) and a counterweight to the extremely German national tendencies in this party. The group that came from the Ring of Freedom Students (RFS) was sponsored by the federal party leader Friedrich Peter . One of his successors, Norbert Steger , was its first chairman. The later federal party leader of the FPÖ Jörg Haider avoided the circle because he should have appeared here as an equal among equals. Several members of the circle made careers under the vice-chancellorship of Steger, examples being Friedhelm Frischenschlager , Volker Kier , Helmut Krünes and Norbert Gugerbauer . After the right-wing populist leadership change within the FPÖ in 1986, the Atterseekreis was dissolved and its leading members migrated to the economy. The national councilor and deputy federal party chairwoman Heide Schmidt acted for a while as the party's so-called “model liberals ” until she too left the FPÖ in 1993 and co-founded the Liberal Forum .

In 2012, the Attersee district was revived on the initiative of the Upper Austrian FPÖ regional chairman Manfred Haimbuchner in Nussdorf am Attersee . Until March 2017, the chairman was the former liberal budget spokesman in the National Council, Alois Gradauer . In March 2017 he was succeeded in this role by Norbert Nemeth, the club director of the liberal parliamentary club in the National Council . The headquarters of the association, which has been strictly economically liberal since it was re-established, is located at the FPÖ regional office in Linz; the financing is partly provided by the state of Upper Austria. In 2017 the association received around 70,000 euros as "funding for popular education institutions".


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Friedrich Peter: Roots and lines of development of the Freedom Party of Austria. In: Robert Kriechbaumer (Ed.): Austrian national history after 1945. Volume 1: The mirror of memory: the view from within. P. 144.
  2. Markus Staudinger: Upper Austria's FPÖ wants to revive the liberal “Attersee district”. In: October 20, 2012, accessed April 13, 2013.
  3. Change in the Attersee district: FP Parliamentary Director Norbert Nemeth takes over the liberal think tank of the FPÖ . Article dated March 25, 2017, accessed October 24, 2017.
  4. Der Standard: Die Right Denker vom Attersee , September 28, 2018