Moment Poland

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Original title Moment Poland
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1988
length 45 minutes
Age rating FSK o. A.
Director Hans-Peter Clahsen ,
Michael F. Huse
script Werner Morgenrath
production Kurt Lanthaler
camera Michael F. Huse
cut Michael F. Huse

Moment Poland is a German documentary about the period of special tension in Poland in 1988. The directors Hans-Peter Clahsen and Michael F. Huse accompanied the guest performance of the Theater an der Ruhr on film for the NDR editorial team Close-Up , Luc Jochimsen .


The theater traveled to Poland as the start of a three-year collaboration with Polish theater and film-makers. Roberto Ciulli had chosen his production of Georg Büchner's Dantons death . In Poland, whose conditions Adam Michnik had recently compared with those of France before 1789, the revolutionary drama of the terror of the personal striving for power and the resigned surrender to the course of history had to hit a sensitive nerve.

The prominent spokesman for Solidarity , Zbigniew Bujak, and the film director Krzysztof Kieślowski take a position on this : “… it is very sad that we have a constant decline in values. Is there anything left that is good at all? We all know that our ideology is wrong. But which is easier to look for: new ideas or shoes? Shoes! So first of all people look for shoes. "

But unknown citizens, nuns and young people also have their say. The so-called round table was under discussion, but soon faded to the ambiguous term of the "empty table".

The directors Hans Peter Clahsen and Michael F. Huse succeeded not only in creating a sophisticated cultural film on the trail of a guest tour of a western theater, but above all in the melancholy description of the constant struggle for a little human dignity in Poland in 1988.

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