August Johann von Hugo

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August Johann von Hugo (born September 11, 1686 in Stolzenau , † April 8, 1760 in Hanover ) was Royal British and Electoral Braunschweig-Lüneburg personal physician in Hanover.


The relevant sources of the medical biography are largely silent about Hugo. He was born as the son of the bailiff, later senior bailiff of Stolzenau Conrad von Hugo (1636–1710) and Margarethe Emerentia Conerding (1661–1737). On April 22, 1706 he enrolled at the University of Helmstedt and settled as a doctor in Hanover before he became court medic there in 1715. On December 5, 1715 he married Marie Elisabeth Conerding (1700–1763), the daughter of the doctor Brandan August Conerding , in Hanover , and acquired citizenship in this city on June 16, 1725. In 1737 he was appointed Royal British and Electoral Braunschweig-Lüneburg personal physician, and in 1740 he was appointed Councilor.

Leonotis leonurus in the Hugo Herbarium in Göttingen

Daniel Eberhard Baring mentions him as one “who links the beautiful sciences with medicine” and says that his collection contained the fossil record that the Stuttgart court preacher Eberhard Friedrich Hiemer (1682–1727) first named in 1724 as “Swabian Medusa head “Described. Today it is known that the fossils are sea ​​lilies . The plate ended up in the collection of Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752–1840) in the collection of the University of Göttingen , where it is exhibited today in the permanent exhibition of the Geoscientific Center . His extensive herbarium is also preserved in the university collections.

In 1717 Hugo was elected a member of the Royal Society .

August Johann von Hugo must not be confused with August Ludwig von Hugo , who in Göttingen in 1746 received "de glandulis in genere, et in specie de thymo" for Dr. med. PhD, described by Albrecht von Haller as a pupil and friend ("noster olim nobilis discipuli & amici"), but was still mistaken for that.

Hugo had been married since 1715 to Marie Elisabeth Conerding (1700–1763), a niece of his mother.


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Individual evidence

  2. ^ Entry on Hugo, Johann August (1686 - 1753) in the archive of the Royal Society , London