August Koester

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August Köster (born August 9, 1873 in Neuland ; † December 10, 1935 ) was a German classical archaeologist and maritime historian .


Köster came from a seafaring family and initially trained as a primary school teacher. After a short teaching activity, he took the Abitur examination at the humanistic grammar school in Koblenz and studied classical archeology in Berlin , Rome and Strasbourg . On October 25, 1902, he received his doctorate at the University of Strasbourg under Adolf Michaelis and Wilhelm Spiegelberg .

He then became a research assistant at the Berlin museums . In 1904/05 he received a travel grant from the German Archaeological Institute . During this time he took part in the excavations in Pergamon. In 1906 he became assistant director at the Berlin museums, later curator, and in 1925 he was put into temporary retirement . He then lived in Malente , where he devoted himself to his research. On April 1, 1934, he became director of the Morgenstern Museum in Bremerhaven .

His main areas of research were initially ancient architecture and topography. As the son of a captain, Köster had attended a boarding school for the children of seafarers and had already received nautical lessons there. He later acquired the helmsman's license (for a small voyage) in Lübeck and went to sea at times. The combination of archaeological and nautical knowledge resulted in his later focus on "ancient seafaring".

Publications (selection)

  • The Egyptian plant column of the late period (from the end of the new empire to the Roman imperial period). Dissertation . Paris 1903.
  • The Pelargicon. Investigations into the oldest fortification of the Acropolis of Athens. Strasbourg 1909.
  • Antique silverware. Berlin 1923.
  • The ancient marine life. Berlin 1923.
  • Shipping and trade in the eastern Mediterranean in the 3rd and 2nd millennium BC Chr. Leipzig 1924.
  • The Greek terracottas. Berlin 1926.
  • Studies in the history of the ancient sea. In: Klio . Supplement 32, Leipzig 1934.
