August Lindbergh

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August Lindbergh around 1850 (then still Ola Månsson).

August Lindbergh (* as Ola Månsson May 12, 1808 in Smedstorp , Tomelilla Parish , Sweden; † October 14, 1893 in Little Falls , Minnesota or Melrose , Minnesota) was a Swedish-American farmer and politician.

Lindbergh was the son of a small farmer who became prosperous by marrying the big farmer's daughter Ingar Jönsdotter. In 1847, as a representative of the peasantry, he became a member of the State Parliament , where he was a brilliant speaker for liberal reforms. After allegations against him, he left his wife, with whom he had seven children, and in 1859 emigrated from Sweden to the United States with his lover Lovisa Jansdotter Carlén . Both changed their names and ran a farm in Minnesota; They married in 1885 after having four children. Lindbergh received US citizenship in 1870 and became a member of the Republican Party . In Melrose he held several offices, including postmaster , town clerk , clerk of school districts and justice of the peace .

His grandson was Charles Lindbergh .

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