August Wilhelm Schlegel (actor)

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August Wilhelm Schlegel (born November 5, 1810 , † after 1848 ) was a German court actor .


August Wilhelm Schlegel, born in 1810 at the time of the Kingdom of Westphalia, was appointed court actor in the royal seat of the Kingdom of Hanover in the first half of the 19th century . As such, he worked in Hanover at the Palace Opera House .

On May 1, 1839 Schlegel was as a member of the Locust - Masonic Lodge to black bear in the East Hanover added.

At the beginning of the 1840s, he married the 18-year-old actress Mathilde Brandes in Hanover, who thus received the name Mathilde Schlegel . According to the address book of the royal residence city of Hanover from 1842, the actor still lived at Burgstrasse 1009 , but Mathilde Brandes at Leinstrasse 849 .

The couple had two children. Soon, however, the Schlegels were dissatisfied with their professional position in the palace opera house. Therefore Schlegel's wife initially took a position in Detmold at the Fürstlich Lippischen Staatstheater , while August Wilhelm Schlegel initially had to fulfill contractual obligations in Hanover.

After he was able to follow his wife on the Detmold stage, however, “tongue paralysis” soon prevented him from continuing his profession. Due to his non-healing emotional affliction, he went back to his in-laws and his two children in Hanover, while his young wife Mathilde went to Dresden as a sole breadwinner , where she was given a permanent engagement as a royal Saxon court actress. However, there she died in early February 1848 at the age of only 22.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Wilhelm Nöldeke : The Johannis Masonic Lodge to the Black Bear in the Orient from Hanover 1774 to 1874 , Hanover: Hofbuchdruckerei Gebrüder Jänecke, 1875, p. 26; Digitized via Google books
  2. a b c d e o. V. , Ernst Heinrich Pfeilschmidt , Karl Gutzkow : Memory of Mathilde Schlegel, royal Saxon court actress , Teubnersche Buchdruckerei, Dresden 1848; Digitized via Google books
  3. ^ Address book of the royal residence city of Hanover , Section VI: Directory of all members of the Royal Court Theater , pp. 68ff .; Digitized version of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library via the German Research Foundation
  4. a b Dresdner Tageblatt for the Representation of Local and Patriotic Interests , year 1848, number 42 of February 11, 1848, p. 331; Digitized via Google books