Auguste Haase

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Auguste Haase ( née Kaminski ) (born August 26, 1899 in Schwiddern , Johannisburg / East Prussia district; † January 12, 1945 in Berlin-Plötzensee ) was a German resistance fighter against National Socialism .


Auguste Kaminski was the oldest of four children in a working-class family in the rural province of East Prussia . After graduating from elementary school, she first became a domestic worker. In 1914 she and her mother were taken prisoners by Russia for four years. During this time she married Karl Haase, with whom she had four children. The marriage ended in divorce in 1929, and Auguste Haase had been living in Berlin for three years . In 1934 she moved to Zepernick , where she became involved in the local KPD group, which was already illegal. In 1935 she and others from this resistance group were indicted by the Berlin Higher Regional Court for “preparing for high treason” and sentenced to 21 months in prison. After her release from prison, she found employment with the Bergmann company, where she was later appointed head of the company forced labor camp because of her knowledge of Russian.

At the beginning of 1944, Auguste Haase came into contact with the Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein organization through Elli Voigt and Gertrud Temlitz in Schönow and Gustav Wegener in Berlin. Together they supported Soviet and French forced laborers and organized solidarity campaigns.

On August 3, 1944, Auguste Haase was arrested by a special unit of the Gestapo . She was taken to the remand prison in Potsdam, where she was sentenced to the maximum sentence by the People's Court on December 7, 1944 . After the conviction, she was taken to the Barnimstrasse women's prison in Berlin until the sentence was carried out .


Memorial stone for murdered opponents of the Nazi regime in Schönow
  • In Schönow, a memorial stone for murdered opponents of the Nazi regime also commemorates Auguste Haase.


  • Annette Neumann, Susanne Reveles, Bärbel Schindler-Saefkow: Berlin workers' resistance 1942–1945. "Away with Hitler - end the war!" The Saefkow-Jacob-Bästlein-Organization. Berlin Association of Those Persecuted by the Nazi Regime - Bund der Antifaschisten und Antifaschistinnen eV: Berlin 2009; Page 45