Dispersion calculation

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Industrial air pollution

A calculation method for determining the spread of air pollutants in the lower troposphere is called dispersion calculation . In Germany, the framework conditions for their implementation are regulated by the TA Luft . Propagation calculations are four-dimensional processes in space and time.


As a rule, dispersion calculations are required for forecasts about the spread of pollutants or odorous substances . The most important factors influencing the spread of pollutants are the wind and stratification of the earth's atmosphere . However, the latter can only be measured with great effort and is therefore estimated in practice using the time of day and season as well as cloud cover and wind speed . The result is one of the six dispersion classes “very stable”, “stable”, “indifferently stable”, “indifferently unstable”, “unstable” or “very unstable”. On this basis, the further calculation takes place under quasi-stationary conditions. The result is a functional relationship between the concentration of the pollutant and the distance to the emitter . Unstable conditions result in higher loads in the immediate vicinity and stable conditions result in a load that increases only slowly with distance, but which is also much more widespread.


Dispersion calculations are used in licensing practice to predict the additional loads caused by a system. With the help of dispersion calculation and source term back calculation, the diffuse emissions from an industrial plant can also be determined.

Individual evidence

  1. Kai Vaupel, Julian Schelp, Ulrich Klenk, Eberhard Schmidt : Structural relationships in modeling the dispersion of airborne pollutants in the earth's atmosphere. In: Hazardous substances - cleanliness. Air . 76, No. 7/8, 2016, ISSN  0949-8036 , pp. 299-302.
  2. a b VDI 3783 sheet 13: 2010-01 environmental meteorology ; Quality assurance in the immission forecast; Plant-related immission control; Dispersion calculation according to TA Luft (Environmental meteorology; Quality control concerning air quality forecast; Plant-related pollution control; Dispersion calculation according to TA Luft). Beuth Verlag, Berlin, pp. 2–3.
  3. VDI 3782 sheet 1: 2016-01 environmental meteorology ; Atmospheric dispersion models; Gaussian plume model for the determination of ambient air characteristics (Environmental meteorology; Atmospheric dispersion models; Gaussain plume model for the determination of ambient air characteristics). Beuth Verlag, Berlin, p. 19.
  4. VDI 4285 sheet 3: 2015-11 Metrological determination of emissions from diffuse sources; Quantification of diffusive emissions from industrial plants including agricultural sources (Determination of diffusive emissions by measurements; Quantification of diffusive emissions of fine dust from industrial plants including agricultural sources). Beuth Verlag, Berlin, p. 9.