Awa Thiam

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Awa Thiam during a conference

Awa Thiam (born April 1950 in Dakar ) is a Senegalese writer , anthropologist , politician and feminist activist .


In 1978 Awa Thiam published La Parole aux negresses . This was the first African text in which phenomena such as polygamy , the purchase of a bride and genital mutilation (English female genital mutilation , FGM for short ) were openly denounced. Interlocutors from Mali , Senegal and Guinea report on the life of women in their countries and how they deal with violent traditions such as FGM and institutionalized polygamy. Based on these questions, the situation of black women is analyzed and the peculiarities of their struggle, which is determined by their cultural, religious and social origin, are presented.

Her work also - together with Nawal Saadawi - shed light on the practice of genital mutilation, which is still widespread in some parts of Africa today and which was previously largely unknown. She is the president of the CAMS ( Commission pour l'Abolition des Mutilations Sexuelles , which means Commission for the Abolition of Genital Mutilation ), founded in 1982 .

Awa Thiam was also the first to identify the three systems of oppression of African women: sexism , racism and traditionalism as legitimizing discrimination based on social class, also taking into account the influences of colonialism . In 2004, she directed the Center Social des Femmes de Dakar , where literacy courses for women and hygiene - and parenting courses organized and up seminars offered.

She works as an anthropologist at the Institute for Black African Policy Issues ( Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire Cheikh-Anta-Diop, IFAN) in Dakar.

Thiam is a Member of the Senegalese National Assembly and President of the Commission on Health, Population Development, Social Affairs and National Solidarity.

It was included in the anthology Daughters of Africa , edited in 1992 by Margaret Busby in London and New York.


  • La Parole aux negresses (1978), The voice of the black woman: on the suffering of African women , German translation by Chantal Doussain and Anneliese Strauss, Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt (1992), ISBN 978-3-499-14840-8
  • Speak Out, Black Sisters (1978) in Feminist Writings from Ancient Times to the Modern World: A Global Sourcebook And History , Tiffany K. Wayne (Ed.), Greenwood, Santa Barbara California, 2011, ISBN 978-0-313-34580 -7
  • Continents noirs (1987), Collection Femmes et sociétés
  • La Sexualité féminine africaine en mutation, l'exemple du Sénégal (2015), L'Harmattan



  1. Elena Cuasante Fernández: El personaje femenino en la obra de Myriam Warner-Vieyra . Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz 2005, ISBN 978-84-9828-004-3 , p. 57 ( online at Google Books, Spanish).
  2. Axelle Jah Njiké: L'AFRIQUE INTIME Femme noire, femme blanche, ensemble contre l'excision. In: Le Monde . July 1, 2016, accessed on July 26, 2018 (French).
  3. ^ Danièle Hervieu-Léger: Thiam (Awa) La Parole aux negresses . In: Archives de sciences sociales des religions , No. 51/2, 1981. p. 295 ( online , French).
  4. Gertrude Mutonkoley Mianda: Reading Awa Thiam's La parole aux Négresses through the lens of Feminisms and Hegemony of English language . In: Atlantis: Critical Studies in Gender, Culture & Social Justice . 36, No. 2, 2014 ( online , English).
  5. Le député Awa Dia Thiam sur l'épidémie Ebola: “Le plan de riposte du gouvernement du Sénégal est excellent”. In: Dakaractu. September 5, 2014, accessed July 26, 2018 (French).
  6. Information on Awa Thiam in the database of the Bibliothèque nationale de France , accessed on July 26, 2018.
  7. ^ Anthony Lattier: “La sexualité féminine africaine en mutation”, Selon Awa Thiam. In: Radio France Internationale . March 8, 2015, accessed July 26, 2018 (French).