Axel Bojanowski

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Axel Bojanowski (* 1971 in Hamburg ) is a German science journalist . Bojanowski frequently writes on the topics of climate , environment , geology and oceanography .

Live and act

After completing his degree in geology , Bojanowski initially worked as a freelancer for media in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Great Britain and later for Stern , the Süddeutsche Zeitung and the science magazine Nature Geoscience . From 2010 to 2019 he was an editor in the science department of Spiegel Online . From October 2019 he was editor-in-chief of the magazines bild der Wissenschaft und Natur . Since the summer of 2020 he has been the chief reporter for the Knowledge department at Die Welt ( Die Welt , Welt am Sonntag , Welt Digital).

Bojanowski is a lecturer for journalism, for example at the Academy for Journalism in Hamburg , and for geo-research.


In his articles, Axel Bojanowski repeatedly criticizes both climate scientists and other journalists or television presenters who report on climate change . For political reasons, these would "unscientificly help" with the presentation of research results. Dorothee Menhart and Michael Siegel commented that Axel Bojanowski did not like the fact that “many of his colleagues would rather disseminate disaster scenarios than look critically at climate researchers and report on the vagueness of far-reaching forecasts.” He is convinced that it will “It would lead to a dangerous hardening of the fronts if the arguments of climate skeptics are ignored.” For example, Bojanowski warned of a “ hysterical debate” in the hot summer of 2018 , and was therefore criticized by the science journalist Christopher Schrader . The latter does not want to deny that there are still gaps in knowledge with regard to climate models. But we would know enough to act. It is therefore important to promote the necessary social transformation. You have to deal strategically with uncertainties. If you say that something is uncertain, it is a signal for many people to wait until science has come to an agreement. But that is precisely what one cannot afford.

The climate scientist Stefan Rahmstorf repeatedly criticized Bojanowski's reporting and contradicted various statements that he described as incorrect.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Imprint at
  2. Not because of the climate - science journalists rant , by Daniel Bouhs and Carsten Pilger, NDR November 21, 2018
  3. It comes from Spiegel Online: Axel Bojanowski becomes editor-in-chief of Bild der Wissenschaft und Natur , by Marc Bartl, Kressköpfe August 5, 2019
  4. Axel Bojanowski becomes the new editor-in-chief of “Bild der Wissenschaft” and “Natur” , Meedia August 5, 2019
  5. Marc Bartl (2020). Poschardt brings Bojanowski to the world as chief reporter. Kress, February 10, 2020.
  6. This is how climate change is being falsified . In: The world . August 5, 2020. Accessed August 16, 2020.
  7. ^ A b Dorothee Menhart, Michael Siegel: Controversy worth knowing . In: . December 7, 2018. Accessed August 16, 2020.
  8. Reporting on climate change: There is no longer any room for deniers . In: Deutschlandfunk . December 3, 2018. Accessed August 16, 2020.
  9. Stefan Rahmstorf: Error in the article "Rüpeleien unter Klimaforschern" by Axel Bojanowski . Website of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research . Retrieved August 15, 2020.
  10. Stefan Rahmstorf: SPIEGEL to sea level . In: KlimaLounge on SciLogs . July 15, 2011. Accessed August 16, 2020.