Axel Marquardt

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Axel Marquardt (born September 23, 1943 in Insterburg ; † August 31, 2011 in Hamburg ) was a German writer who also used the pseudonyms Axel Maria Marquardt and Rainer Geist .


Axel Marquardt attended high school in Münster , where one of his classmates was Hermann Kinder . After graduating, he organized the poetry meeting in Münster for many years. was a speaker at the Deutsche Kinemathek Foundation in Berlin and from 1981 to 1986 production manager at the Berlinale .

Then he was editor of the magazine Kowalski and from 1986 freelance writer . Marquardt lived in Sendenhorst , Berlin, Wewelsfleth , Glückstadt , Hamburg, Schwerin and then again in Hamburg, where, according to his wife, he died on August 31, 2011 after a serious illness.


  • 1989 working grant from the Berlin Senate
  • 1990 scholarship from the state of Schleswig-Holstein
  • 1991 Culture Prize of the Steinburg District
  • 1992 Friedrich Hebbel Prize
  • 2004 Prize of the Ben Witter Foundation


  • Complete Works. Volume 1. The early prose , Zurich, 1988, ISBN 3 251 00131 0
  • Mainstay free leg , poem, Zurich 1989, ISBN 3251 001469
  • The business poet and other stories , Zurich 1992, ISBN 3 251 011804
  • The travelers , Zurich 1992
  • The Marsh People , Rendsburg 1997
  • The world is a white painted door leaf , Dreizehn Erzählungen, Rendsburg 1997, ISBN 3-931476-08-1
  • Zoff in Russee , Kiel 1999
  • The Marsh People - as they really are , Rendsburg 2000
  • Anselm im Glück , Frankfurt am Main 2003
  • Rosebrock , Munich 2004
  • What happened until now. All mach, laugh and masterpieces , Frankfurt am Main 2008

Radio plays

  • The works judge
  • The blue hour
  • The bull and the housewife
  • Dora is changing
  • An educational journey
  • Mrs. Buschke's death
  • Gitta's awakening
  • Did you know?
  • human and animal
  • To Soest!
  • The night in Rheine
  • Late revenge
  • Death and the Maiden
  • The meeting in Gndlhm


  • The house book of Witches, Devils & Demons , Zurich 1990
  • 100 years of poetry! German poems from ten decades , Zurich 1992, ISBN 3 251 00193 0

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary for Axel Marquardt at BuchMarkt
  2. So the self-disclosure on the author's homepage (archived at the Internet Archive)
  3. ^ Information from Drei-Masken-Verlag