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Azeus ( ancient Greek Ἀζεύς ) is a person from Greek mythology .

Azeus comes from Orchomenos . He is a son of Clymenus and brother of Erginos , Stratios , Arrhon and Pyleos . Furthermore, he is the father of Aktor and the grandfather of Astyoche , the mother of the Argonaut drivers and participant in the Trojan War of Askalaphos and Ialmenos .

In order to avenge the murder of his father Clymenus committed by Thebans at a festival for Poseidon in Onchestus, Azeus and his brothers, led by the eldest, Erginos, go against Thebes and force the inhabitants to pay tributes.



  1. Pausanias 9, 37, 1 and 9, 37, 7.
  2. Homer , Iliad 2: 511-513.
  3. Pausanias 9:37, 1-2.