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Ialmenos ( Greek  Ἰάλμενος ) is a son of Ares and Astyoche in Greek mythology and thus a brother of Askalaphos .

Both brothers ruled together in Orchomenos in Boeotia , took part in the Argonaut procession and were among Helena's suitors . In the Trojan War , they jointly led the contingent of the Minyer from Orchomenos and Aspledon, comprising 30 ships , and Askalaphos fell in battle. Ialmenus was one of the heroes in the Trojan Horse . After the fall of Troy , he emigrated to Colchis with colonists from Orchomenus . According to a different version, however, he fell before Troy in the fight against Hector .


Individual evidence

  1. According to a different version handed down in Hyginus, Fabulae 97, they were the sons of Lykos and Pernis.
  2. Pausanias , Helládos Periēgēsis 9.37
  3. Quintus of Smyrna , Posthomerica 12,337 ff.
  4. Strabon , Geographiká 9,2,42
  5. Dares Phrygius , Acta diurna belli Troiani 21