Bärbel Narnhammer

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Bärbel Narnhammer (born December 3, 1948 ) is a German politician and former member of the Bavarian State Parliament .

Life and politics

Bärbel Narnhammer trained as a kindergarten teacher after leaving school. She worked in her profession and ran a day-care center for several years. Before her mandate in the state parliament, she worked as a subject teacher. She is married and has one grown son.

She has been a member of the SPD since 1973 . For her party, she was a councilor in Anzing from 1984 to 1998 and a member of the district council in the Ebersberg district from 1984 to the end of 2008 . From 1990 to 1996 she was also another deputy of the district administrator. From 1990 to 2008 she was a member of the Bavarian State Parliament. Most recently, she was a member of the Committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Issues and the Committee on Petitions and Complaints . She was also the deputy chairwoman of the Bavarian data protection commission and child policy spokesperson for the SPD parliamentary group. To state elections in Bavaria in 2008 , they did not stand for re-election.

In addition to partisan work, she is active in various associations. She is a member of the Arbeiterwohlfahrt , the VdK , the adult education center and the German Child Protection Association .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Office of the Federal President