Béla Pásztor

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Béla Pásztor , actually Béla Berger , (born January 1, 1894 in Ákos , Austria-Hungary ; died December 24, 1966 in New York City , United States ) was a Hungarian stage and film actor , dramaturge , author , film producer , Director as well as a film manager.


Pásztor attended drama school in Budapest shortly before or during the First World War and then appeared at theaters in the imperial and royal province such as Ödenburg and Pressburg. He chose the pseudonyms Károly Polgár and Ferenc Szabó. In 1919 he first came into contact with film as an actor, but from then on (since 1921) stayed away from this medium as an active person. Instead, he wrote newspaper articles, in 1922 took over the management of the Budapest variety theater Royal Orfeum, in 1924 that of cinemas in the Netherlands and soon afterwards the management of the Budapest UFA film branch. In 1929 Paztor was again involved in setting up a new theater and was finally appointed dramaturge for the Paramount agency in Budapest. After a stay in Berlin, the Jew Pásztor returned to his Hungarian homeland as a result of the National Socialist seizure of power , where he again ran his own movie theater for five years with the Radius Kino. With the Pásztor-Film the busy man founded his own small production company in 1935.

From the spring of 1936 to 1938, Pásztor was responsible as a director for the creation of a total of six feature films, before the anti-Semitic racial laws now also taking effect in the Hungary of the Reich Administrator Admiral Horthy prevented him from continuing his artistic work. Even Pásztor's conversion to Catholicism on October 14, 1938 should not change anything in his now dramatically deteriorating situation. In 1941 Pásztor was deported to a labor camp. At the end of the war, Béla Pásztor was appointed artistic director of the production company MAFIRT and produced the German-language strip " Renée XIV. The King on Strikes " (starring Franziska Gaal , Johannes Heesters , Hans Moser and Theo Lingen ) in 1946, one of the first Hungarian post-war films. In 1949 the Hungarian emigrated to the newly founded Israel, where he worked as an actor for the following years. In addition, he worked as a stage director and staged plays such as " The Devil " (by Franz Molnar ) and " Pygmalion " (by George Bernard Shaw ). In 1958 Pásztor went to the Federal Republic of Germany and appeared in Berlin as a newspaper correspondent. In the same year he also took on a small role in the "Hungarian" operetta film " The Czardas King " . Béla Pásztor spent the last years of his life in the United States.


as an actor:

  • 1919: Éva
  • 1919: Cigányszerelem
  • 1921: Mackó úr kalandjai
  • 1958: The Czardas King

as screenwriter:

  • 1921: Vörösbegy
  • 1941: Életre ítéltek!

as director:

  • 1936: Forog az idegen
  • 1936: A sárga csikó
  • 1937: Hol alszunk vasárnap?
  • 1937: A falu rossza
  • 1938: A piros bugyelláris
  • 1939: Vadrózsa

as producer:

  • 1936: Forog az idegen
  • 1936: A sárga csikó
  • 1937: Hol alszunk vasárnap?
  • 1937: A falu rossza
  • 1938: A piros bugyelláris
  • 1939: Vadrózsa
  • 1946: Renée XIV. The King is on strike (production manager)


  • Kay Less : Between the stage and the barracks. Lexicon of persecuted theater, film and music artists from 1933 to 1945 . With a foreword by Paul Spiegel . Metropol, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-938690-10-9 , p. 405.

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