Vinternäset / Storbro hytta – Filipstad railway line

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Vinternäset – Filipstad
Storbro hytta – Filipstad
Gauge : 692 mm ( narrow gauge )
Operating points and routes
0.0 Vinternäset
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0.0 Storbro hytta
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Filipstad hamn

In Värmland , Sweden , many smaller railways were built in various gauges in the first half of the 19th century to facilitate the transport of iron and ore . In the mining area of Filipstad , a whole system of such small railways has been built to connect the ironworks with the port in Kristinehamn .

In the track width 692 mm which were railway lines Vinternäset-Filipstad and Storbro hytta-Filipstad built.

Yngs-Daglöse Järnväg

At that time, solutions were sought to facilitate transportation with horse-drawn railroad cars. The natural slope of mountain slopes was used for this. The mountain slope Aborrbergets krön was used for the Yngs-Daglöse Järnväg to bring the wagons over the slope with a mutual cable pull.

The construction of the Yngs-Daglöse järnväg , which connected Vinternäset on Lake Yngen and Lake Daglös with a gauge of 692 mm, was carried out in 1853 by Claes Adolf Adelsköld . During this time he lived in a hospital room in Filipstad Hospital. The line opened in September 1853.

A double-track line was built on which fully loaded wagons running downhill pulled empty wagons upwards. In the plain, this wagon was drawn by horses via Kärleksvägen to the harbor in Filipstad.

The line was in operation in this way until 1878. Östra Värmlands järnvägsaktiebolag had already bought the line beforehand and integrated it into the newly built Persbergs gruva – Kristinehamn line.

Filipstads Järnväg

The Filipstads Järnväg leads from the Storbro hytta to the port in Filipstad, following today's Malmgatan . The line, also opened in 1853 with a gauge of 692 mm, was taken over by Yngs-Daglöse Järnväg in the same year .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bergshantering i Filipstads bergslag. Filipstads Bergslag, accessed July 4, 2014 (Swedish).
  2. a b Tommy Andersson: Järnvägarna runt Filipstad. Filipstads Gille, accessed May 28, 2016 (Swedish).
  3. Lars-Olof Karlsson, Ängelholm: Railway data 1853. Öppnar Yngs – Dagiessen, godstrafik, hästbana m lutande plan. In: Järnvägar i historien. March 31, 1996, accessed July 4, 2014 (Swedish).