Barend Coenraad Petrus Jansen

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Barend Coenraad Petrus Jansen (born April 1, 1884 in Zwolle , † October 18, 1962 in Amsterdam ) was a Dutch chemist.


Jansen began studying chemistry at the University of Amsterdam in 1904 , which he completed in 1909. In 1909 he became a research assistant at the Physiological Institute under the direction of Professor Gerard Abraham van Rijnberk . Through his work at the institute, Jansen developed his interest in biochemistry, especially digestion . On July 10, 1912, he did his doctorate at the University of Utrecht under Pieter van Romburgh with a thesis on carbon dioxide ( Bijdrage tot de kennis van het cholzuur ). Jansen developed his interest in the connections between chemistry and physiology at an early stage. In 1913 Jansen earned his doctorate in chemistry in Utrecht, which enabled him to work as a private lecturer in biochemistry at the University of Amsterdam. He also studied with Gustav Embden in Frankfurt . In Amsterdam in 1915 he worked on urea synthesis and discovered the formation of urea from amino acids in the liver.

Since many of Jansen's colleagues moved to the Dutch East Indies because of their careers in the following years , he followed them in 1917. He went to Batavia , today's Indonesian capital Jakarta . There he became head of the medical laboratory of a pharmacy and came into contact with Willem Frederik Donath and Gerrit Grijns . In 1919 he became the head of the pharmaceutical-chemical department of the central laboratory in Weltevreden . In Indonesia, he investigated nutritional problems typical of tropical countries. In 1926, together with Donath, he isolated the crystalline form of the B 1 vitamin from rice bran and gave it the name antineuritic vitamin ( aneurine for short ). Their molecular formula for the vitamin was wrong (they overlooked the sulfur content). Robert R. Williams and Rudolf Grewe found the correct structure .

A year before he returned to the Netherlands in 1928, he received a call from the newly established medical college , later the University of Batavia , in 1927 . There he received a chair in chemistry. In 1928 he returned to the Netherlands and became professor of physiological chemistry at the University of Amsterdam, which he held until 1954. In Amsterdam he also headed the Dutch Institute for Folk Nutrition.

He died of natural causes on October 18, 1962 at the age of 79.


  • Rudolph A. Peters, Obituary notice: Professor Dr Chem. Barend Coenraad Petrus Jansen , Brit. J. Nutr. (1964), 18, 1.
  • BCP Jansen, Nutrition and caries, In: Contributions to nutritional science. Volume 6, Darmstadt 1961
  • Entry in Winfried Pötsch, Annelore Fischer, Wolfgang Müller: Lexicon of important chemists, Harri Deutsch 1989

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biographies, publications and academic family tree of Barend CP Jansen at, accessed on February 13, 2018.
  2. Entry on thiamine. In: Römpp Online . Georg Thieme Verlag, accessed on May 11, 2011.