Hambrook tree

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Baum Hambrook (born November 8, 1818 in London , † December 5, 1897 ) was a German judge and judge at the Imperial Higher Commercial Court .


When his father, the English merchant John Hambrook, died, his mother Johanne moved with him and his older brother John to Gdansk. There he attended high school. From Easter 1837 Hambrook studied law in Berlin, Bonn and Halle. In Bonn he became a member of the Corps Borussia Bonn in 1838 . In October 1840, Baum Hambrook from England received his doctorate from the law faculty of the University of Greifswald . He was sworn in as auscultator for the Prussian sovereign in 1842 in Königsberg. In 1844 he became a trainee lawyer and in 1848 a higher regional court assessor. In August 1848, the upper court assessor Hambrook was transferred from the court of appeal in Köslin to the court of appeal in Berlin. In 1850 he was city and district judge in Gdansk. In 1856 he resigned from the civil service and became a lawyer and notary at the appellate court in Marienwerder. In 1858 he became an employee of Levin Goldschmidt's newly founded " Journal for all commercial law and business law ". In 1869 he was appointed to the judiciary. In 1876 he became a public prosecutor at the Reich Higher Commercial Court and a year later he moved to the judge's bench. In 1879 he was accepted into the First Civil Senate of the Imperial Court . A large part of the foreign literature in the Reichsgerichtsbibliothek was acquired on his suggestions. In 1890 he retired. In retirement in Berlin, he attended lectures at the university, in particular Goldschmidt's lectures.


According to English custom, he was given his mother's surname as his first name. The Baums were a well-to-do family in Elbing and Danzig for the past two centuries . One uncle was the surgeon Wilhelm Baum . He was married to Bertha Schlubach, daughter of a manor owner from Rossitten . One of his four daughters, Charlotte (1863-1916) married Heinrich Georg August von Hennig (1859-1936), a son of Heinrich von Hennig , in 1893 .


  • Treatise on the Philosophical System of Hobbes of Malmsbury, in particular on his Philosophy of Law, Danzig 1842; complete digitization at Google books.
  • Establishment of the unicameral system, Berlin 1848.
  • Illumination of the bills on the Concurs for those Prussian territories in which the general land law and the general court order have the force of law, Breslau 1854 ( digitized version ).


  • Gustav Gotthilf Winkel : Biographical corps album of Borussia zu Bonn 1821–1928, Bonn 1928, p. 84 ( digitized version of the University and State Library Bonn).

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 19 , 150.
  2. EG Gersdorf (Ed.): "Repertorium der total German literature", Volume 31, Leipzig 1842, p. 23.
  3. ^ Official Journal of the Royal Government in Potsdam and the City of Berlin, Potsdam 1849, p. 315.
  4. So also Oscar Teichert: "History of ornamental gardens and ornamental gardening in Germany during the rule of the regular garden style", Berlin 1865.
  5. Levin Goldschmidt (Ed.): "Journal for the entire commercial law and commercial law" Volume 1, Erlangen 1858, p. XI.
  6. Karl Schulz (1844–1929), Reichsgerichtsbibliothekar: On the history of the library of the Reichsgericht, in: The first 25 years of the Reichsgericht, special issue of the Saxon Archives for German Civil Law on the 25th anniversary of the highest German court, p. 207.
  7. Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels , Limburg 1977, Volume 64, p. 156.