Bearded Collie

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Bearded Collie
Bearded Collie
FCI Standard No. 271
Origin :

Great Britain

Alternative names:

Highland Collie, Mountain Collie, Hairy Mou ed Collie

Withers height:

ideal males 53–56 cm,
females 51–53 cm

Breeding standards:


List of domestic dogs

The Bearded Collie is an FCI recognized British breed of dog ( FCI Group 1, Section 1, Standard No. 271 ).

Origin and history

Like all collies , it is a herding dog that was first mentioned in the Scottish Highlands , which is why Scottish farmers still refer to it as the Highland Collie . The actual origin is not clearly proven. An import of Polish herding dogs, today's PON , known in England as the Polish Lowland Sheepdog, was reported by Scottish shepherds in the 16th century and it is assumed that there are relationships with the Tibetan Terrier , the Old English Sheepdog Bobtail and the French Briard . A sturdy dog with thick fur was needed and bred for the prevailing weather conditions in Scotland . This is how the Bearded Collies emerged, which are closely related to those from the lower regions of Scotland .

In contrast to the name-like Border Collie , which was used as a normal German Shepherd , the Bearded Collie was used for complex herding tasks, such as: B. independent driving of cattle herds from the mountains and finding and returning stray animals. Today it is mainly bred as a companion and family dog.


The height at the withers is 53–56 cm in males, 51–53 cm in females, and weights 18–22 kg (bitches) and 23–28 kg (males). The coat is of medium length, harsh, smooth, with a soft undercoat, also on the head. The typical colors are blue (gray), fawn (sand-colored), brown, black, with white markings (on the paws, on the face as a blaze, as a ruff, on the tip of the tail). The eyes should be in the color of the fur, not too light and not too dark, set wide apart and large, gentle and loving, but not protruding. Eyebrows arched upwards and standing forward, but not so long that the eyes are covered. The ears are medium-sized and drooping. If you pay attention, they rise up to the height of the skull, but not beyond, and thus make the skull appear wider. The tail, richly covered with hair, is set low and so long that the last caudal vertebra reaches at least the hock.

The Bearded Collie is a happy, balanced, easy-to-train dog. The alert enterprising expression is a distinctive feature of the breed.


In the breed standard of the FCI, the Bearded Collie is described as attentive, lively, confident and active. The ideal Bearded Collie is by the standard reliable and an intelligent working dog, showing no signs of nervousness or aggressiveness.


The common disease predispositions in the Bearded Collie include pemphigus foliaceus , elbow dislocations , corneal dystrophy , cataracts and retinal atrophy .

Individual evidence

  1. Origin of the Bearded Collie accessed on March 6, 2019
  2. ↑ Breed standard No. 271 of the FCI: Bearded Collie  (PDF)
  3. Thomas, Alison, 1964-: Breed predispositions to disease in dogs and cats . Blackwell Pub, Oxford, UK 2004, ISBN 1-4051-0748-0 .

Web links

Commons : Bearded Collie  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Breed standard No. 271 of the FCI: Bearded Collie  (PDF)