Leg (material)

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Bone comb, 5th century
Location Thermengasse in the Roman vicus Turicum ( Zurich ): hairpins, pens and game pieces made of bone.
Bone chisel of the Horgen culture , from the excavation of the Opéra car park at the Kleiner Hafner in Zurich

Leg (as a material) is the name given to bone (such as "bones" of Germanic baina [bone, lower leg]: probably related to Old Norse Beinn [just] with respect to the straight bones).


Along with ivory , antler , stone and wood, bone is one of the oldest materials for artistically designed objects. This solid, but not too hard, easy-to-work material was used to create small-sized objects and statues as early as the Paleolithic Age .

In the context of archaeological finds, artefacts made of these materials occur again and again under suitable conservation conditions, including devices and equipment parts such as awls , needles , knife handles , leg combs , but also clothing components such as belt buckles , furniture parts, boxes and others.

Until the twentieth century, the keyboards of keyboard instruments were covered with bone or ivory. Cattle bones are still used today as material for the saddles of musical instruments from the lute family - such as guitars and mandolins . Examples of the use of bones in tools that are still in use today are the bone folder , which is also mostly made from cattle bone, the so-called shoebone (for repairing smooth leather shoes, made from high-fat deer bone) and occasionally egg spoons made from bone (cf. horn or mother-of-pearl ) . A thin pen made from horse bones is used for quality control in ham production (the air-dried product, e.g. Parma ham , is pierced and the smell that adheres to the bone is checked). Sometimes leg is also used to make decorative knife handles. Folding legs are used in the leather processing trade, in the traditional bookbinding trade and in the graphic trade for the manual processing of leather, paper and cardboard. Today the use of bone as a material is declining; For the purposes mentioned, plastics , metals and other materials are often used as replacements .

Animal and species protection

Similar to crocodile leather, animal welfare plays an important role in restricting the artistic processing of bones. To prevent the elephants from becoming extinct, the 1973 Convention on Endangered Species, known as the Washington Convention , restricted the trade in ivory. The trade in tusks of animals that have died naturally remains legal in some countries under very strict conditions. This made it possible, among other things, to maintain the trade of the few ivory carvers still practicing their handicrafts and to carry out the restoration of valuable furniture with inlay work. Alternatively, fossil mammoth ivory is sometimes used, which mostly comes from sites in Siberia.

See also


Web links

Commons : Bein  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files


  1. The text drawn up in Washington for the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora , CITES for short , was signed by the representatives of 21 countries on March 3, 1973 and entered into force on March 3, 1973 after it was ratified by 10 countries . The organization of the same name currently includes 172 countries (as of 2007).