Being Azem

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German title Being Azem
Original title Being Azem
Country of production Switzerland
original language German , English
Publishing year 2010
length 90 minutes
Age rating FSK 12
Director Tomislav Meštrović
Nicolò Settegrana
script Tomislav Meštrović
production Pi-Films GmbH, Zurich
music Beat Solèr
camera Nicolò Settegrana
cut Klaus Siebenkorn
Thomas Meister

Being Azem is a biographical documentary from 2009 that tells of the most important moments in life, both athletically and personally, of Azem Maksutaj , a Swiss Thai boxer of Kosovar Albanian descent.



The shooting for the documentary lasted over 1½ years. It was filmed in Winterthur, Bangkok, Las Vegas and Pristina.

Public demonstrations

Being Azem was shown during the 46th Solothurn Film Festival , which was held from January 20-27, 2011. On March 2, 2011, the documentary was broadcast by SRF (Switzerland) in the evening program. Being Azem was also shown at the 10th Dokufest, International Documentary and Short Film Festival, in Prizren , Kosovo , which took place from July 23 to 31, 2011 . The film distribution runs worldwide through Pi-Films GmbH.


“The film clearly shows that behind a successful martial artist there is a life full of discipline, renunciation and hard training. Perhaps it encourages one or the other to pursue a career in Thai boxing - but it is more of a deterrent. "

- Markus Tofalo : Trend

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Markus Tofalo: Insight behind the martial arts ring. In: Selica Internet Publications. February 7, 2010, accessed April 8, 2017 .
  2. Being Azem on