Beliza Peninsula

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Beliza Peninsula
Geographical location
Beliza Peninsula (Antarctic Peninsula)
Beliza Peninsula
Coordinates 63 ° 44 ′  S , 59 ° 14 ′  W Coordinates: 63 ° 44 ′  S , 59 ° 14 ′  W
location Trinity Peninsula , Graham Land , Antarctic Peninsula
Waters 1 Bone Bay
Waters 2 Charcot Bay
length 8.5 km
width 13 km

The Beliza Peninsula ( Bulgarian полуостров Белица poluostrow Beliza ) is a 8.5 km long and 13 km wide peninsula of Trinity Peninsula in the north of Graham Lands on the Antarctic Peninsula . It is located between Bone Bay in the northeast and Charcot Bay in the southwest. In the northwest it borders on Bransfieldstrasse . Its western end is marked by Cape Kjellman , its northern by Notter Point .

German and British scientists mapped it together in 1996. The Bulgarian Commission for Antarctic Geographical Names named it in 2010 after the town of Beliza in southwestern Bulgaria .

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