Benedetto Della Vedova

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Benedetto Della Vedova (2013)

Benedetto Della Vedova ( listen ? / I ; born April 3, 1962 in Sondrio ) is an Italian politician and economist. He was a member of the European Parliament from 1999 to 2004, a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies from 2006 to 2013 , and the Senate from 2013 to 2018 . During his political career, he changed party affiliations frequently. Since January 2019 he has been the national secretary of the Più Europa party . Audio file / audio sample

Life and political career

Benedetto Della Vedova studied social and economic sciences at the private Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi in Milan, which he graduated in 1988. From 1987 to 1990 he worked as a researcher at the Institute for Energy Sources Economics (IEFE) at the Università Bocconi, then from 1990 to 1996 at the Research Institute of the Lombardy Region. At the same time, he was assistant at the Chair of Economics and Agricultural Policy at the Catholic University of Milan from 1990 to 1995 .

Della Vedova joined the Partito Radicale Transnazionale in 1992 , which emerged as a transnational non-governmental organization from the former Italian Partito Radicale . From 1994–1996 he was treasurer and 1994–1997 national secretary of the Club Pannella -Riformatori , which organized the political activities of the Radicali in Italy. From 1997 to 1999 he was the head of the Lista Pannella , with which this political current stood for election.

On the Lista Emma Bonino (successor to the Lista Pannella ), he was in the 1999 European elections in the European Parliament elected. There he initially sat in the Technical Group of the Independent (TGI), after its dissolution in 2001 he was non-attached. He was a member of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs . In 2001, Della Vedova took part in the founding of the Radicali Italiani , with which the radical-liberal movement of Marco Pannellas and Emma Bonino took on the legal form of a party again.

When the Radicali Italiani joined the center-left alliance L'Unione in 2005 and prepared a list connection with the Socialisti Democratici Italiani , Della Vedova left the party. With Marco Taradash he founded the micro-party Riformatori Liberali , whose chair he took over and which joined the center-right coalition Casa delle Libertà under the leadership of Silvio Berlusconi . The Berlusconi III cabinet then appointed Della Vedova as an expert in the Consiglio nazionale dell'economia e del lavoro (CNEL).

Benedetto Della Vedova in 2011

For the 2006 parliamentary elections , the Riformatori Liberali joined Berlusconi's Forza Italia party . Della Vedova was elected to the Camera dei Deputati as a member of the Piedmont constituency 1 , where he was a member of the Forza Italia group. In the parliamentary elections in 2008 he was confirmed as a member of parliament, this time through the joint center-right list Il Popolo della Libertà (PdL). In March 2009 the Riformatori Liberali disbanded and went with Forza Italia and Alleanza Nazionale in the center-right collecting party PdL. Della Vedova turned to the inner-party group around Gianfranco Fini , who increasingly distanced himself from Berlusconi. At the end of July 2010 there was a split in the party and Della Vedova switched to Fini's new faction, Futuro e Libertà per l'Italia (FLI). From July 2011 to March 2013 he was chairman of the finance committee of the Chamber of Deputies.

In the 2013 parliamentary elections , Della Vedova successfully ran for a seat in the Senate on the Con Monti per l'Italia list , where he represented the Lombardy region. After the decline of the FLI, he moved to the Scelta Civica party, which was initiated by Monti . He was secretary of the Senate Committee on Elections and Parliamentary Immunity, a member of the committees on public works and communication, and on industry, trade and tourism. At the end of February 2014, Della Vedova was appointed State Secretary in the Renzi Cabinet in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he served first under Federica Mogherini , then under Paolo Gentiloni . The Scelta Civica faction disbanded after numerous withdrawals in February 2015, after which Della Vedova was a non-attached senator. Even after Renzi's resignation in December 2016, he retained the post of State Secretary in the Gentiloni cabinet until May 2018, now under Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano .

In February 2017, Della Vedova founded the liberal and pro-European party Forza Europa . For the 2018 parliamentary election , it entered a list under the name Più Europa with Della Vedova's former political home, the Radicali Italiani of Emma Bonino. At the end of January 2019, Più Europa transformed from a mere electoral alliance into a common political party. Della Vedova was elected national secretary of the party with 55.7% of the delegate's votes, he prevailed against the runner-up Marco Cappato of the Radicali Italiani.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Benedetto Della Vedova: Chi sono
  2. ^ Entry on Benedetto Della Vedova in the European Parliament 's database of deputies
  3. Benedetto Della Vedova , Camera dei deputati - Portale storico.
  4. Markus K. Grimm: The problematic reinvention of the Italian right. The Alleanza Nazionale and its way to the center. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2016, pp. 129–130.
  5. Scheda di attività: Benedetto DELLA VEDOVA, XVII Legislatura , Senato della Repubblica.
  6. + Europe, segretario Della Vedova. Nelle list of domina Tabacci. In: Corriere della Sera , January 27, 2019.