European elections in Italy 1999

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1994European elections in Italy 19992004
PS - AN c
Gains and losses
compared to
 % p
PS - AN c
Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
b 1994: PDS
c 1995 PS and AN competed separately.
d 1989: LP
e 1994: La Rete
Italian seats in the European Parliament by political group
A total of 87 seats
  • Euro-Communists (PRC): 6
  • Socialists (DS, SDI): 17
  • Greens (FdV): 2
  • Liberal Democrats (Dem, PRI-FdL): 7
  • European People's Party (FI, PPI, CCD, CDU, UEUR, RI, PP, SVP): 34
  • Mixed fraction (LB, LN, FT): 12
  • National Conservative (AN-PS): 9

The European elections in Italy in 1999 took place on June 13, 1999 as part of the EU-wide European elections in 1999 . In Italy , 87 of the 626 seats in the European Parliament were awarded. What was special was that the alliance of Patto Segni and Alleanza Nazionale leaned on the Republican Party and I Democratici on the Democratic Party of the United States. The radicals were able to achieve their best result by far, 8.5%.

Electoral system

The five constituencies of Italy

The country was divided into five constituencies : Italia north-occidentale (north-west Italy: Piedmont , Aostatal , Liguria , Lombardy ), Italia north-orientale ( north- east Italy: Veneto , Trentino-South Tyrol , Friuli-Venezia Giulia , Emilia-Romagna ), Italia centrale ( Central Italy: Tuscany , Umbria , Marche , Latium ), Italia meridionale (southern Italy: Abruzzo , Molise , Campania , Apulia , Basilicata , Calabria ) and Italia insulare (islands: Sicily , Sardinia ). The seats were first distributed nationwide, then per party list according to the constituencies. Within the lists, the mandates went to the candidates with the most votes.


49,278,309 people were eligible to vote. The turnout was 69.73% (34,359,339 voters). 3,315,038 ballot papers (9.6%) were given blank or invalid.

Abbreviation Political party be right proportion of +/- Mandates +/- fraction
FI Forza Italia 000000007813948.00000000007,813,948 25.16 -5.46 22nd -5 EPP
DS Democratici di Sinistra 000000005387729.00000000005,387,729 17.34 -1.72 15th -1 SOZ
PS – ON Patto Segni - Alleanza Nazionale 000000003194661.00000000003,194,661 10.28 -5.43 9 -5 UEN
LB Lista Bonino 000000002625881.00000000002,625,881 8.45 +6.32 8th +6 TDU
Dem I Democratici 000000002402435.00000000002,402,435 7.73 +6.62 6th +5 ELDR
LN Lega Nord 000000001391595.00000000001,391,595 4.48 -2.08 4th -2 TDU
PRC Partito della Rifondazione Comunista 000000001327327.00000000001,327,327 4.27 -1.81 4th -1 VEL
PPI Partito Popolare Italiano 000000001316830.00000000001,316,830 4.24 -5.56 4th -4 EPP
CCD Centro Cristiano Democratico 000000000805320.0000000000805.320 2.59 New 2 New EPP
SDI Socialisti Democratici Italiani 000000000670957.0000000000670.957 2.16 -0.37 2 -1 SOZ
CDU Cristiani Democratici Uniti 000000000669919.0000000000669.919 2.16 New 2 New EPP
PdCI Partito dei Comunisti Italiani 000000000622261.0000000000622.261 2.00 New 2 New VEL
FdV Federazione dei Verdi 000000000548987.0000000000548.987 1.77 -1.44 2 -1 Greens / EFA
UDEUR Unione Democratici per l'Europa 000000000498742.0000000000498,742 1.61 New 1 New EPP
MSFT Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore 000000000496030.0000000000496.030 1.60 New 1 New TDU
RI Rinnovamento Italiano 000000000353890.0000000000353,890 1.14 New 1 New EPP
PP Partito Pensionati 000000000233874.0000000000233,874 0.75 New 1 New EPP
PRI-FdL Partito Repubblicano Italiano - Federazione dei Liberali 000000000168620.0000000000168,620 0.54 -0.36 1 ± 0 ELDR
SVP South Tyrolean People's Party 000000000156005.0000000000156.005 0.50 -0.12 1 ± 0 EPP-ED
other 000000000377415.0000000000377.415 1.21 +0.24 0 ± 0

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Giuseppe Guarino: Quando Fini e Mariotto lanciarono l'elefantino | Legno sopra un'onda . Retrieved July 10, 2014.
  2. ^ Edoardo Ongaro: Public Management Reform and Modernization: Trajectories of Administrative Change in Italy, France, Greece, Portugal and Spain . Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009, ISBN 978-1-84980-228-4 , p. 55.