Benjamin Creme

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Benjamin Creme, New York, 2008

Benjamin Creme (born December 5, 1922 in Glasgow ; † October 24, 2016 ) was a Scottish esotericist , painter and author .

Live and act

At the age of 14, after reading a book about Tibetan mystics and magicians by Alexandra David-Néel , Creme began to be interested in the occult. At 16 he left school to become a painter and dropped out of Glasgow art school a year later because it seemed too academic to him. From 1957 to 1959 he was Vice President of the Aetherius Society , a UFO religion based on theosophy . After meeting George Adamski in 1958, Creme agreed to personally vouch for the authenticity of Adamski's UFO contacts. He became a follower of the theosophist Alice Bailey .

Since 1974 Creme has heralded the return of a redeemer or a world teacher. From 1977 he founded his own groups and since then has maintained that the new world teacher had already returned in the present, the Aquarian age . Like the Theosophists before, he adopted the name of the coming Buddha Maitreya for the "returned Christ " from the Buddhist tradition, but without taking into account the Buddhist teachings connected with it. According to Creme, he saw his own task in creating a climate of hope and expectation so that the world teacher could appear without violating people's free will.

To convey his views, Creme has traveled and lectured around the world since the late 1970s. In the course of this activity he also taught the so-called “transmission meditation”, which he called “meditation for the new age”. "Transmission meditation is a group meditation. The participants meet one or more times a week. Together they say the great invocation (an ancient mantra) and focus on the Ajna center between the eyebrows". The mantra of the so-called "great invocation" comes from Bailey. In a 2006 interview, Creme shared his views on the importance of crop circles . Petroleum as an energy source would soon be a thing of the past, and the crop circles would come from passengers of UFOs, which are of enormous importance in ensuring the safety of this planet on an ecological basis. The reason there are so many crop circles in the south of England is because Maitreya is in London.

Organizations such as Share International , Partage International , Tara-Center and several hundred transmission groups around the world go back to Creme's activities .


Creme was interviewed in Bill Maher's satirical documentary Religulous . The interview was not included in the film, but can only be seen in the "Extras" section of the DVD.

Books (selection)

  • Wayne Peterson: "Behind the scenes the world is changed, a US diplomat meets Maitreya and the Masters of Wisdom" ISBN 3-9806579-2-2

Texts online

Web links

Receipts / individual evidence

  2. Selected Chronology (English)
  3. more about meditation
  4. ↑ Quoting from the pages of Share International, see more about meditation
  5. ↑ For the text of the Great Invocation on the Relinfo website, see the penultimate section
  6. German and English text
  7. Transmission Meditation Groups ( Memento of the original from June 1, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  8. Patrick Goldstein: Bill Maher hates your (fill in the blank) religion . In: The Big Picture , Los Angeles Times, August 7, 2008. Retrieved August 22, 2008. 
  9. Homepage of Wayne Peterson (Engl.)