Benjamin Mather Woodbridge, Jr.

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Benjamin Mather Woodbridge, Jr. (born March 31, 1915 in Austin , Texas , † March 18, 2007 in Oakland , California ) was an American Romanist and Lusitanist .

life and work

Woodbridge grew up as the son of the Romanist Benjamin Mather Woodbridge bilingual English-French in Portland (Oregon) . In 1936 he graduated from Reed College with a Bachelor's thesis Leopardi. The evolution of a pessimist . He further studied at Harvard University and the Université libre de Bruxelles . Displaced from the war, he taught foreign languages ​​at the University of Georgia . From 1943 to 1945 he taught at the União Cultural Brasil-Estados Unidos in São Paulo , where he also met his first wife. Then he was an instructor in Romance Languages ​​at the University of Texas . He received his doctorate from Harvard in 1949 with the work Pessimism in the writings of Machado de Assis .

From 1949 to 1982 Woodbridge taught Portuguese at the University of California at Berkeley , from 1951 as an assistant professor , from 1959 as an associate professor and from 1978 as a full professor. For more than 30 years he assisted Yakov Malkiel in the publication of the magazine Romance Philology . He has made numerous contributions to the Handbook of Latin American Studies (HLAS).

Woodbridge was in command of the Order of Infante Dom Henrique .

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