Benjamin Parth

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Benjamin Parth (born July 27, 1988 in Zams ) is an Austrian chef .


Benjamin Parth was born to Alfons and Maria Odile Parth. He completed his apprenticeship in 2004 at his parents' Hotel Yscla in Ischgl and the Heinz Winkler residence in Aschau im Chiemgau . In November 2007 he went to Nice for a month, where he cooked under Christian Plumail in the restaurant L'Univers (one Michelin star ).

Since December 2007 he has been running the Stüva restaurant in his family's Hotel Yscla . In summer 2008 he cooked in the Can Fabes restaurant under Santi Santamaria in Sant Celoni (three Michelin stars), in the Bind restaurant under Christian Bind in Kruså and in the Illhaeusern restaurant under Marc Haeberlin , before moving to Ischgl for his parents for the 2008/2009 winter season Hotel Yscla returned. In summer 2009 he cooked in the Aqua restaurant under Sven Elverfeld in Wolfsburg . Since then he has been the head chef at Restaurant Stüva .


  • 2020: Restaurant Stüva in "Les Grandes Tables du Monde"

Awards (selection)

  • 2009: A Gault-Millau toque
  • 2009: Award for Austria's youngest toque chef
  • 2012: Gault-Millau two toques
  • 2013: Guide A la Carte - 4 stars
  • 2014: Bertelsmann Guide - Newcomer of the Year 2014
  • 2018: Gault & Millau Chef of the Year 2019
  • 2019: Gault & Millau 2020 - 4 toques (18.5 points)
  • 2019: La Liste 2020 - Top 1000 Restaurants in the World
  • 2019: La Liste 2020 - Young Chef Award
  • 2020: Les Grandes Tables du Monde

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Imprint
  2. STÜVA. In: Les Grandes Tables du Monde. Retrieved January 3, 2020 (Fri-FR).
  3. Benjamin Parth is “Chef of the Year” . Article dated September 15, 2018, accessed September 15, 2018.