Berchtesgaden State Foundation

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The Berchtesgadener Landesstiftung , in the vernacular "Kehlsteinstiftung", is a district-municipal foundation to which the usufruct of Kehlsteinhaus and Kehlsteinstrasse was transferred from the Free State of Bavaria .


In the run-up to the 150-year affiliation of the former prince-provost of Berchtesgaden in Bavaria (patent dated September 19, 1810), the then District Administrator Karl Theodor Jacob suggested setting up a foundation and transferring the usufruct of the Kehlsteinhaus to it in full. The district administrator succeeded in convincing the decisive people of his plan. On July 26, 1960, the Bavarian State Government decided to set up the foundation, previously known as the "Berchtesgadener Land Remembrance Foundation". On August 6, 1960, the then Minister of State for the Interior , Alfons Goppel , signed the required deed of establishment. As promised, the usufruct at the Kehlsteinhaus and on Kehlsteinstrasse was given to the foundation. On September 4, 1960, during the anniversary celebrations, the foundation charter was formally presented to the district administrator by Prime Minister Hans Ehard .

In the course of the municipal reform , the Berchtesgaden district merged into the Berchtesgadener Land district in 1972 . This took over the rights and obligations of the previous district.

After the Obersalzberg documentation set up by the Free State of Bavaria was opened on October 20, 1999, the Berchtesgaden State Foundation also received usufruct at this facility.


The articles of association essentially correspond to their first version dated August 6, 1960.

Lease the facilities

The charitable foundation is exempt from corporation tax, provided that it is limited to asset management. It has therefore the Eagle operations at the Zweckverband tourist region Berchtesgaden-Koenigssee (until November 2004 Tourist Association of Berchtesgaden ) leased. However, this only operates the elevator system. The Kehlsteinhaus was sub- leased to a private restaurant operator, the Kehlsteinlinie to Regionalverkehr Oberbayern GmbH (Bavarian post and train buses until March 1976). The state building authority in Traunstein (until the end of 2005 road building authority in Traunstein ) is responsible for the road construction load on Kehlsteinstraße . The district office of the district of Berchtesgadener Land (until the regional reform 1972 district of Berchtesgaden) takes over the administration of the finances of the foundation free of charge.

The operation of the Obersalzberg documentation was also transferred to the Berchtesgaden-Königssee Tourist Region Association . The Institute for Contemporary History in Munich is responsible for the scientific and museum management .

The lease payments from the tourism association to the foundation are made up as follows:

  • 12% from the total turnover of the restaurant business at the Kehlsteinhaus,
  • 12.5% ​​from other sales of goods,
  • one third from the full and 25% from the reduced fees of the gross income of the Kehlsteinlift and
  • 25% of the gross income from the coin operated telescopes at the Kehlstein summit, the Kehlsteinfußweg and the bus turning point.

At the moment there is no reliable information about the lease payments relating to the Obersalzberg documentation.

Use of funds

The not inconsiderable lease income and other donations to the foundation are used for the maintenance of the facilities, the rest for non-profit and charitable purposes in the district of Berchtesgadener Land . Obligatory tasks of the district are expressly excluded from funding in the foundation statutes (Section 2, Paragraph 2). The Board of Trustees decides on the use of the funds (§ 4).

In the first 20 years of its existence, the foundation awarded grants equivalent to around 2 million euros (3,948,080 DM), of which a little more than half went to new school buildings (2,132,000 DM). During this period, the equivalent of 1.35 million euros (2,698,976.52 DM) was spent on improving and maintaining the Kehlstein facilities.

Individual evidence

  1. File number I A 4 - 539 - 4 B / 20
  2. To the Berchtesgadener Landesstiftung , summary and file number of the statutes, online at