Up and down the hill

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Television broadcast
Original title Up and down the hill
Country of production Germany
original language German
Year (s) since 1975
Bavarian radio
length 30 minutes
Fortnightly: every second Sunday
genre Mountaineering , reportage
Moderation Michael Düchs
First broadcast September 23, 1975 on Bavarian TV

Bergauf-Bergab is the mountaineering program on BR television , which is currently broadcast on Sundays from 6.45 p.m. to 7.15 p.m. alternating weekly with the BR magazine freizeit . In winter, the program mostly reports on skiing and ski touring , in summer mostly on mountaineering and mountain hiking . Most of the reports are from the Alps. Occasionally the program also reports on mountains and mountain ranges in distant lands. For the individual mountain tours reported in Bergauf-Bergab , a team of mountaineers with a camera usually goes on the various tours and accompanies the tour from start to finish.

The program Bergauf-Bergab has had a fixed slot on Bavarian television since 1975 and is one of the oldest broadcast formats in the programs of Bavarian Radio . It was initiated and originally moderated and edited by Hermann Magerer . Michael Pause has hosted the show since May 1998 . He was also responsible for the Bergsteiger editorial team on BR television. In 2011, the 555th edition of the program ran. For the 40th anniversary, BR Fernehen broadcast a program with retrospectives in September 2015. From April 2018 Michael Düchs took over the moderation and editing of Bergauf-Bergab from Michael Pause, who was retiring.

Individual evidence

  1. Bergauf-Bergab turns 40 ( memento from September 23, 2015 in the Internet Archive ): in the br.de media library .
  2. Bayerischer Rundfunk: "Pfia Gott beinand!": Michael Pause says goodbye to "Bergauf-Bergab" | BR.de . April 13, 2018 ( br.de [accessed April 16, 2018]).

Web links